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Tunisia development plan : Right/Left perspectives and the Nordic Model approach :

Okay, even with the greatest plan and experts, we won't get anything done with the current political situation anyway. This is just a thought game and a very lazy one.

I) Right Wing program (with Neoliberal characteristics) :

- Restore the Presidential regime. End the power sharing between the "three presidents".
- Privatize as many public companies as possible. Allow foreign firms to establish themselves in new free economic zones devoid of Tunisian cumbersome legislation with competitive labor and financial costs. Subject national firms (STEG/SONEDE/STT) to international competition. Destroy the old febrile UGTT and replace it with dispatched local Labour Unions across the country, freeing the Individual from heavy and corrupt institutions.
- Deregulate financial sector and labour markets. Lift barriers to investments, business opening and employment.
- Deploy the Army to : 1- force workers in Gafsa to get back to work. 2- destroy informal markets and subject the middle-class to heavy taxation to pay foreign debts, increase Dinars value, and accumulate capital for further investments in new technologies and infrastructure.
- Encourage foreign firms to delocalize their assembly line in Tunisia, build other plants or research centres, e.g. car, communication, high-tech and medical companies.
- Increase Industrial production : the brains and infrastructure are here, we know how to make high-value industrial components, we can and must make more.
- Tax reduction for employers and entrepreneurs in highly-valued industries like cheap high quality medical healthcare for foreigners, massive Luxury SPA/Hotels, industrials, etc.
- Keep salaries and social benefits low for workers, increase production with new technologies and strong corporate leadership. This is is temporary of course. When Tunisia's economy gets stronger, the "trickle-down" mechanism will enrich all levels of the social pyramids. Just work hard and be patient for brighter tomorrows. If you work hard enough you may become an entrepreneur as well one day ! Make the Rich and the Poor richer !
- Death penalty for every individual involved with Terrorist/Islamist groups. Label the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates (Enahda) as terrorist organizations. Fight crime with new AI tracking technologies Made in China. Make Tunisia one of the safest/cleanest country in the world to attract tourists and investors. Follow the Singaporean/South Korean model of development.
- No minimal wage. Drop the Labour laws. We must attract investors and pay our debts.
- Ratify free trade agreements with China, Europe and the United States (maybe integrate the European Union ?) Specialize and increase Tunisian First sector production for a few commodities, namely : olive oil, dates and seafood. Get rid of traditional ineffective agriculture practice and modernize production with drought resistant GMOs.
- Basically, follow the IMF/World Bank development austerity plans to get more loans from them (and a solid grade).
- Reopen the debate on the National Identity : people won't follow the government of a country they feel they do not belong to.
-Protect family and Islamic values : criminalize LGBT, post-structuralist, neo-feminists and lib-tards movements to keep good composure with neighbours and satisfy conservative elements in Tunisian society, but keep it cool with foreigners (we want more gay rich tourists/engineers, so maybe open a few informal gay bars in free economic zones ?)

II) Left Wing program :

- Reinforce public institutions by opening up more job positions in administration, education and public companies to increase efficiency and relationships with all society stakeholders.
- Restore the UGTT's past greatness by reinforcing the "côtisation obligatoire" for all professions. UGTT will have the Manpower and talent necessary to enforce strict Labour regulations and ensure a strong national labour movement that will guarantee workers' rights, dignity, solidarity and education.
- Augment salaries, especially for teachers and workers.
- Restore the "Cycle Court" starting from 14 yo. Students willing to pursue a vocational training should be set on the right path as soon as possible, and cultivate their pride to belong to the Nation Builders. They may start working as soon as 16 during their formation as an apprentice.
- Set up an aggressive Tax legislation : every single Tunisian national abroad or at home will have to declare their revenues to the Fisc and pay a progressive income tax. Anyone with a revenue above 1,5 times the national average revenue will pay 55% in taxes. The top 1% will have to pay 75% in tax and investment revenues.
- Follow the Cuban model : free high quality healthcare and education for all. Everyone will receive a topnotch education in whatever fields he/she wants to pursue.
- Make all drugs legal and free to use under condition : consumption shall be under medical supervision in state-sponsored facilities. (except for recreational weed maybe, follow the Dutch model)
- Support local artisans and small agricultors : resist big Agro and GMOs usage. Increase the use of agroecologist and permaculture models with local drought resistant seeds. Make more land available to young farmers thanks to new desalination plants . Increase food self-sufficiency at all cost by subsidizing it !
- Try to (slowly) operate a decentralisation process : give more freedom and flexibility to governorates while allowing them to set up their own fiscal system, rendering them more responsible and autonomous. Also, will decrease the risk of corruption.
- Decriminalize homosexuality and legalize gay marriage. Ensure sexual freedom and birth control to all.
- Protect local businesses by imposing heavy import taxation.
- Suppress traditional "Fatalism" by investing everything in the individual : by setting him free from all tribal/religious dogmas and attachments, providing him with high quality education, he will find the courage and growth mindset to innovate, undertake challenges and create high value for himself and society. And eventually, all problems will sort themselves out.
- To fight corruption, informal economy and ensure total fiscal efficiency and transparency for a direct democracy : end payment in cash. All transaction will slowly go virtual.

III) The Nordic Model : A Combination of Both.

A) What's the Nordic Model ?
A comprehensive welfare state and multi-level collective bargaining based on the economic foundations of social corporatism, with a high percentage of the workforce unionized and a large percentage of the population employed by the public sector (roughly 30% of the work force)
It seems the historical struggle of the working class for a more egalitarian society in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland created a set of highly inclusive institutions that allows for a perfect balance between social justice and free markets (also known as the Third way). These institutions aims partly to enhance individual autonomy, mobility and flexibility in a fast changing environment disrupted by globalization, immigration and a open free market.
Although highly competitive (best countries to do business according to WB), they score the lowest in terms of wage gap and wealth inequality due to the heavy taxation on the 55% highest revenues and solid redistribution of wealth through pensions, social services and free high quality education and healthcare. The Nordic countries score the highest in the Happiness Index, low corruption Index, financial health and general trust in political institutions.
These highly transparent institutions include a wide range of extremely efficient collaborative Labor Unions and Employers Association ("Patronnat") who negotiate TOGETHER the wages and workers' benefits , with the mediation of the state. Unlike in France or Tunisia where Unions are mostly used as tools of brute contestation, the Nordic syndicates provides efficient communication tools, free education for adults in their reconversion process, career consulting, cultural centres and so on.
They do not have social workers. They abhor the French "Nanny State" apparatus and their monstrous bureaucracy policing and surveying citizens to determine which deserves such and such social benefits. The simplicity of their concept is as follow : everyone gets free stuff. Free education (childcare, primary, secondary, trade school) at all ages and abilities, free healthcare, and a pension if you are unfit to do any work.
But does it work ?
B) A Model that works.
Conventional wisdom links innovation to wide inequality. The belief is that inequality motivates, by increasing both the risk and potential reward, attracting talented people who love adventure.
The bold ones make the breakthroughs that propel invention and innovation. It sounds reasonable. Three researchers at the London School of Economics examined that patent filings in Sweden a so called "nanny-state", had more patent filings per resident than the United States for most of the last half-century. The advocates of inequality invokes the concept of meritocracy. They point to the olden days in the United States when high rates of upward mobility showed that the poor with talent and grit found the country a land of opportunity... but studies have shown that mobility and equality actually increased freedom and entrepreneurial spirit.
There is something in Denmark and Norway that they call "Flexicurity" :
If the business you own can no longer compete in the world market, it's fine with Norwegian government and Labor Unions for you to close it and lay off your workers. Flexicurity means the Government has a social contract with those laid-off workers to do everything possible to help them land a new job that's just as good or better for them. Your unproductive capital becomes available for a new start-up.
Rates of start-up creation in Norway are among the highest in the developed world, and Norway has more entrepreneurs per capita than the United-States. Same for Denmark, Canada and Switzerland.
By investing as much as possible in the Individual, the Nordic countries has created nations of independent, self-motivated problem solvers with high skills and high self-esteem.
Nordic Workers are among the most productive and efficient : they work 359 hours less than Americans (lowest in the OECD countries) and still have a higher GDP per capita. They also get one month of paid vacation per year and 18 months of paid parental leave. Full evidence that social benefits does not curtail innovation and production, but rather INCREASES them.
C) How did it happen ?
Social-democrats parties and coalitions ruled for centuries and managed to stay out of the marxist/capitalists ideological wars. They established a "consensual democracy", where both parties, the owners and workers, managed to keep their rights for property and decent working conditions. They COLLABORATED to induce perpetual innovation in all sectors in order to remain competitive in an increasingly globalized world. They did not choose to cut themselves out of the global market by increasing import taxes, but by increasing innovation. And it worked !
Cooperatives are prevalent. Less likely to fail. Also turnover in co-ops averages 15% against the industry standard of 40 to 60%. The housing co-ops created 750 000 apartments with 860 000 members in Sweden. Parents co-ops provide between 10-15 % of day-care centers.

D) The Neoliberal experience
In the 80's, two countries the Nordics held in high regards (UK and USA) started implementing their new Neo-Liberal policies : unrestrained by the law, private banks were now free to sell any kind of securities to anyone, disregarding their long term solvability or not. Taxes were lowered for the top earners, workers wages and administrative jobs were cut. We know the results : successive financial crashes in the 90's and the 2008 crisis.
In Iceland, a small nation of 350 000 people, a few private Banks tinkered hard with Neolib tendencies : they sold highly volatile bonds to British Citizens and set up a Ponzi scheme that blew up after the sub-prime crisis. What happened next ? Usually, the IMF-pressurized Governments applied austerity measures. They make the average citizen pay for the irresponsible behaviours of some private Hedge Fund managers. But Iceland did not. They let their bankers down and refused to pay the British their money back, after 10 000 people (5% of the population) went down the capital city to protest the 30% cut in Social Service. Same for Norway and Sweden : they did not follow the IMF plan and kept up with this strategy : increase taxes on the rich, reduce taxes on the working class, force banks to write off mortgages for householders under the water. They even strengthened their social safety nets !
From all OECD countries, The Nordics, (including Iceland who suffered the most from this ordeal) recovered the fastest from the crisis.
E) Comparison with the Anglo-Saxon Model
Soviets and Capitalists justify maintaining high level of poverty reassuring their 99 per cent that the sacrifice would pay. "Communist rule will one day shower you with goods and services" or "A rising tide lifts all boats" (in the US)
Among 32 OECD countries, the ten most equal countries include Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Swede. The United states are among the five most unequal along with Turkey and Mexico.
F) Can we apply the Nordic model in Tunisia ?
It has been said regularly that applying the Nordic approach in other non-Scandinavian countries was impossible because...different culture/mindset. The Nordics are supposedly more united linguistically, racially homogenous, have a religion that promotes hard-work, individualism, responsibility and so on...
It's half-true. If you get a glimpse of Norway history you'll realize :
- They got colonized by Denmark for centuries, had 100 different dialects (villagers set 200 m apart could not understand each other because of mountain chains).
- Were controlled by capitalists overlord who tried to fund some fascist coup to stay in power.
- Only 3% of the land was fit for agriculture.
- They did not have much natural resources except for some fish and logging. They were extremely poor and backward compared to other industrialized economies. So they had to invest everything in sea trade and had thousands of experience doing it.
- They could have emulated the Soviet revolution since there were many powerful red movements ...but fearing to loose their properties, the party of farmers opted for a cooperative model, rather than a collectivist one. This set the tone for a long history of inclusive institutions, ensuring constant bargain between work and capital.
But it wasn't easy. It was a constant struggle. For decades, inequalities rose as the economic elite resisted change for a while.
Eventually, they created a visionary movement that grew, engaged in struggle, attracted allies and won. By winning non-violently. This is the power of political association and cooperation between all fractions in a society.
The Nordics were not smarter or more skilled than Tunisians. Their working class simply managed to get more power because they were more independent.
Tunisians have been living in servitude for most of their existence. There is no national union, or common goals, although Movements like the "Jeunes Tunisiens" or Neo-Destour managed to bring up some reforms like women liberation and education for all, the civil society is not strong enough. People are strangers to each other and do not trust their institutions.
But this can change. Slowly, thanks to new technology, social benefits can be distributed much quicker without the need for tens of thousands of social workers or labour lawyer.
It didn't take 10 000 years for the Papus to transition from the stone age to the post-industrial age. Only 30 years. I don't think we'll have to wait 100 years like the French to get a more inclusive government (not necessarily democratic. Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, all reached top-level development under dictatorships. Maybe we'll have to go through a technocratic stage with strong governance at the beginning.)
submitted by IluvBsissa to Tunisia [link] [comments]

What beliefs define you as a centrist?

I just want to know what people here think that makes them a centrist. aka what beliefs do you have that make you identify as such (this is a long post but I am genuinely interested in this type of discourse). Also, many of these things, I realize, are pretty common in many countries. I've lived in the US primarily so this is based on my experience here.
I'll start, here are why I believe I'm around the middle, please feel free to place input:
---- "conservative" leaning views (IMO) ----
  1. Free Market Capitalism is the best politico-economic system created thus far (emphasis on thus far). The data here is pretty clear, ever since the adoption of free market capitalism the world has overall become a better place in general. World absolute poverty has nearly halfed in the past 30 years, a lot to do with BRICS countries adopting free market structures (China's economic zones where capitalism runs basically free is one example that you can look into). Trade and globalization has allow for tiered economies, insofar as wealthy nations are now de-industrializing and BRICS nations have now industrialized bringing better standards of living, more competitions and access to world markets which better everyone as a whole. Notice I am not saying everyone benefits proportionally, but needless to say everyone gets a net gain from this. I can talk a lot about financial markets and the implications of their regulation and taxation but that is a story for another time.
  2. Globalization has allowed an unprecedented amount of resources to billions. Yes, developed nations (here defined--in general--as OECD members + like Singapore, Taiwan, and others) do benefit more as there is more purchasing power for citizens, but world class supply chains allow for unprecedented economies of scale that drive the costs of goods down significantly meaning more and more people are able to purchase them. Globalization and low trade barriers also allow for offshoring, meaning firms are able to send their production lines to other countries. This allows for trait education, technological transfer, and capital transfer from richer nations where wages are very high to nations with lower wages and lower living standards. This, you could argue, allows for a distribution of the means of production to poorer, more uneducated world citizens (again, this is in general, not saying people in non-OECD countries are uneducated, but I am saying the industry diversity and quality of education is of lesser extent and quality). Strap this with national equity laws (Local business/people/nation needs to have equity on local operations with share of profits) and money repatriation laws (cap on how much cash foreign companies can extract from a nation) and I think it's a pretty sweet deal.
  3. Government minimization is a huge deal for me. I will divulge on how the government should intervene in some instances but generally I am in favor of the government being the fuck out of my business and anyones business. I think minimizing the government is simply better for everyone, as it allows us to have more "freedom" or at least it makes me have a better sense of independence. The government being the "all provider" and a big interventionist on citizens' affairs never turns out to be good, in both historically left and and right governments and societies.
---- "Liberal" leaning views (IMO)----
  1. Government regulation and intervention is sometimes necessary. This stems primarily from the fact that there is an almost comically overwhelming amount evidence of climate change. Capitalism running completely free is definitely not a good idea, but we need to know where the government/regulating entity needs to step in. Carbon tax, emission caps, heavy tax breaks/incentives on green energy are paramount in this. I think the government needs to play an active role in making renewables make economic sense (in contrast to fossil fuels) as quickly as possible while also regulation the shit out of how much stuff we throw in the air. I encourage you to read about the permafrost problem we'll be facing just for you guys to know just how deep in the shit we can get ourselves into if we don't act, like, right the fuck now. Honestly, I believe in Nuclear power, France is a pretty good example of how good it is. However, I feel that there needs to be more talks about de-stigmatizing this source of energy. I'd rather have a bunker with radioactive waste (which we can store, quantify, and regulate) much more than we can control how people pollute the aiground through burning and extraction. Nuclear power is nowhere as risky as people think it is, it is like a "I'm afraid of flying" thing when the math says you have a way higher chance of dying in a car (yet you don't hesitate to get into your Prius, don't you?). Btw, I am in no way an expert on nuclear energy, so please feel free to chip in. I can talk more about mining for days but it would need a separate post. I could also write a book on healthcare regulation (I'm looking at you Purdue, Cephalon, Insys, and many more).
  2. I genuinely believe in universal healthcare. Yes, it's slow and inefficient as anything government related is (e.g DMV, Social Security) but it comes with the upside of people never hesitating to seek medical care because of money. Ultimately, I think taking care of your body is a godamn human right. How to achieve this is a battle that is debated by many people today. I can sense many of you are thinking "lets tax the rich/huge companies for that dough" but one should read up on the phenomenon of the Laffer Curve, an economic phenomena that has been studied by many, many economists throughout the years (the US used to have a 73% tax rate on the richest people, look it up). Needless to say, universal healthcare is definitely not radical and should be implemented.
  3. Wages have not kept up with costs of living and definitely not with inflation. This is a huge problem as I define a livable wage as one that allows you to have the "American Dream" of those oh-so romanticized 1950s-60s (I'm referring more of the romanticized version of this dream than the one that truly happened). An exact amount or what people consider "essential needs" is a subject that has been debated a billion times throughout modern history and is beyond the scope of this post, but I do think that people have the right to earn a wage that allows them to have at least housing, healthcare, means of transportation, food on the table, electricity, water, education (this is crucial for me), etc. In essence, a wage based on purchasing power for these things. Again, I could talk some more about the cost of education compared to the wage purchasing power as well as a how housing prices have skyrocketed and how wages have not kept up but you guys can input your own views here. In a way, unions could help this (e.g teamsters, teacher unions, etc). Many can argue that this can "prevent companies from being more financial risk takers" (invest in R&D, have investment funds, etc) but there are many tax incentives for shit like R&D and governments could create incentives for companies to continue investing in Venture Capital. Btw, would love to talk about UBI, but it would be too long. Refer to Andrew Yang's podcast with Joe Rogan to get a general gist on my views of why it's important. I believe in UBI (some forms of it, at least), the reasons why I can discuss with you in the comments.
  4. Education is bit tricky, as there is great success in private education insofar as research so I thinks its more of a make it much more affordable or make some parts of the system free (for example, make public colleges and universities free for residents of that state). There is no doubt that as our society becomes more complex, more education (aka college) will be increasingly more necessary as automation is already destroying jobs that typically don't require college degrees. Crippling debt is a horrible way to start your future, and student loans is like building a steel wall in front of young people's opportunities, so people should really have the chance to get free education. There are some institutions where it makes economic sense to go into debt for (mostly elite universities) but obviously it means the vast majority of us don't get the luxury of that. NY state "excelsior scholarship" is a step in the right direction.
----Other views----
  1. Radical thought ultimately always ends up in the same exact spot, what really changes is how people justify to themselves how the horrible things happen. Historically fascist and communist societies tend to end up having very similar experiences. Expansion ideologies and control on its people are present (Gestapo and the KGB. Strongman leader like Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Kim family, Pinochet, list goes on. Suppression of the media and constant government surveillance + propaganda. Heightened sense of nationalism/ belief in a certain ideology or group think). Honestly similarities are endless and I can debate with you in the comments, I could talk about these things for days. Btw, every time anyone says China is a communist country, I die a little inside. Also, many might think be thinking "oh no x,y,z societies were not communist/fascist because Marx said x or whoever said y. I'm talking about historically self identified nations. Also, "its easier said than done," "a plan never survives first contact," ever heard of those? They're profound idioms for a reason. I know this is controversial, and I am ready to defend this in the comments, however, my 5 year old niece just woke up from her nap and I can't finish this thought and have to head to work soon.
  2. Radicalism ultimately contains extreme levels of hypocrisy. Ergo, why they tend to end in the exact same place, at least historically. This stems a lot from social issues though. For example, right people saying they want to have freedom and everyone should be able to do/say whatever they want but have a loooooooooong history of xenophobia, homophobia, etc. Same as the left, they say "respect all people," "love everyone," except people who go against them, no to generalize everyone but these are tendencies I tend to see a lot. People on the left talk about protecting muslims and minorities but their faces change when these groups don't follow their agenda. In other cases these groups straight up go against their beliefs but simply ignore it. E.g they blast christians and catholics for not directly embracing gender multiplicity and same sex relationships but little do they know islam does not support same sex marriage (I am NOT an expert on Islam, this was told to me by a muslim friend so anyone who believes in islam and can enlighten me on the actual beliefs please chip in. I know religion is a touchy subject so here is the disclamer). I am also not generalizing christian people/muslims/religions, but these are things I have been told these particular belief systems teach. I am Latino, and I have gotten shit from people both the right and left about my beliefs and some people have straight up blocked me because of these but both tend to preach either "acceptance" or "freedom" but acting in a completely different way. Both groups are a little iffy on science too. Climate change is real and some people on the right don't really acknowledge it, they also don't really acknowledge that homosexuality is a multi-species thing. Same sex relationships have been seen in dolphins, for example). So yes, homosexuality is a natural phenomenon not unique to humans. Also, biological difference between sexes are a thing. Trans women, by being biologically male (insofar as they have XY chromosomes) have physical advantages. Also, healthcare staff have the need to know whether you are biologically male or female as treatments can react differently depending on this.
There's really a whole bunch of shit that I left out like social equality (which I believe 100% on) and I will probably post those other opinions in the comments but let me know if you agree, and feel free to add in some shit these are just some points from the top of my head. I know this is a huge post but I really want you guys to chip in.
submitted by Charles_Ville to centrist [link] [comments]

[NAFA][Poly] All about NAFA for prospective students! (mainly SOAD stuff)

Hi there! NAFA grad from COVID batch here! I previously wrote tips to not waste time at NAFA. Currently studying in NUS. If you're looking for post O levels/ITE options, look no further! 4 years ago, I attended NAFA's open house after receiving my O level results and back then I was as clueless as the many DMs I've received asking about NAFA ;) . So I'm making this post to clear those doubts!
Edit: Added academic calendar to general curriculum and important degree update


Things to note before entering NAFA
  1. What is NAFA and who is it for
  2. Available Courses
  3. When and how to apply
  4. Application Timeline
  5. Financial Aid
During your study
  1. Useful Acronyms
  2. Life at NAFA
  3. Understanding NAFA's SOAD Standard
  4. General curriculum
  5. Electives
  6. Using workshops/Loaning of equipment
  7. Internship
  8. Overseas Immersion/School Exchange Programme
  9. CCA
  1. Furthering studies at NAFA
  2. Furthering studies at a local university
  3. Finding Work

Things to note before entering NAFA

[1] What is NAFA and who is it for?
NAFA, the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts is Singapore's pioneering art school. It is a private arts institution. It provides diploma studies with a study duration of 3 years just like poly. The special thing about NAFA is that it provides 1-year degree programmes which any student (usually from relevant diploma courses) can pick up.
Well, we always say 'art is subjective', it is a freedom of expression. The school is really open to anyone (and that is on the account that you have a portfolio or passed the test). Literally, you can have aunties and uncles as your classmates! You also have people doing art because it's fun but in all seriousness do not sign up if that's what you think. I'd like to think of NAFA as a school that guides you in the beginning and later on they just kind of let everyone be independent learners. Anybody can say that NAFA teaches you the foundation but they do not intend to fully teach you long term or up to a professional level. The school is excellent for people who have existing art skills (you've won SYF, art awards, distinction in art before you were even 17 years old) and wish to be a local artist. It is also great for people who are passionate and have some sort of basic skill or are/have developing skills already (that's me!) however this group should avoid Fine Arts. You can also be passionate and start on a blank slate but be prepared to work doubly hard for the grades. The school is not competitive, it depends on talent to stand out.
Do not come if you are doing for the sake of the diploma because the difficulty of NAFA's diploma is no joking matter. Dropping out is common in every course and you do not wish to contribute to that. That is also the whole point of NAFA charging exorbitant school fees so that you don't run away. Many people actually bet their future on NAFA because they couldn't go to poly/uni course of their choice and it ends up being wasted because it's not what they wanted! You may have heard people of saying that the school's standard is trash but the truth is, it's not the school's problem 100% of the time.
For students looking to enter NAFA Foundation Programme, it's still new and dodgy. I strongly advise you guys to take O levels and head to Poly instead if you still wish to pursue further education at local universities. I personally find no point in skipping a year and getting L1R4>25 with an O level cert where you might've passed math seems to be a more lucrative choice to use for entering NAFA. The only benefit you're getting from the programme is a debt $$$.
Entry requirements:
O Level: L1R4 equal or less than 25 points excluding English (can use CCA points)
ITE: Full-time Higher Nitec or Nitec
Other Local/International Admission Requirements
Important note:
NAFA diplomas do not equate with polytechnic diplomas.
NAFA being the oldest art school does not mean that it is the best place to go instead of Laselle.

[2] Available Courses
One misconception is that NAFA has double diploma programmes for 3D Design. I'd like to announce that it is false. The school is not capable of teaching 2 types of diploma at a time but rather mash it up. So if you intend to take my course for example Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture), it is usually the 1st word that is mainly taught which is 'Landscape'.

List of courses:
School of Art and Design
3D Design
Design & media
Fine Art
Fashion Studies
School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre
Arts Management

[3] When and how to apply?
Once you received your results is usually the time applications are open. Local and international students have until March to apply. It varies annually. More here ->How to apply
Method of Application: Online portfolio submission or physical admission test
Neither is better than the other. You method depends on whether you can show what you have within a given deadline.

Online Portfolio Submission
Minimum 10 images, various mediums allowed and a short writeup of 100 words.
1.Make the portfolio for the course that you want
To make them pick you directly for the course, make it look like you are built for the course.
2. Have a variety of work
Fine Arts doesn't only consist of drawings, it can also include some sort of sculpture or performance work. Same goes for the other departments. Click here for what each course requires. If you wish to showcase a single type of work because you are unable to show more, it can make your portfolio look okay/bad compared to other people.
3. A passionate statement
Only 100 words. Tbh I wrote what I wished to do after my diploma (plans have since changed and it was an odd statement lol). I don't suggest writing about your contribution to the sch because as long as you're a student you're contributing. Make it short and simple.

In case anyone is wondering, my application portfolio was mediocre, showing 11 images consisting of sketches/paintings/photos. If you have a god-tier portfolio because you have that artistic talent, there's a good chance to achieve a 1st-year full-coverage scholarship once you step into NAFA. You can submit whenever you want but my estimated deadline was 2 weeks after applying at the open house which waived my application fees ($70 better treat yourself Haidilao).

Admission Test (if someone has taken the test feel free to provide more info)
The test dates are staggered once per month from January-March. Held in groups. Consists of a drawing test and write-up.
I only know that the drawing test isn't difficult. People who took the test do not intend to submit a portfolio as it's quick and efficient. Nothing much to add on.
Important note:
If you are writing a 2nd choice as a safety net please be cautious. I do not recommend as you may get the 2nd choice instead if the slots for your 1st choice becomes full. They will just shift you to the 2nd choice and that's where the 'appeal' part comes.
Choose to submit a portfolio if you can commit to the deadline, it usually gives you an upper hand over admission test applicants because you're showcasing more.

[4] Application Timeline (I only know O levels if anyone can kindly tell me I'll update)
O levels:
Receive results > submit JAE > apply for NAFA
Wait for JAE AND NAFA results > receive JAE results 1st > receive NAFA results 2nd
You’ll receive NAFA results before poly starts unless you apply late. I applied during Jan on the day of the open house and got my results mid-end Feb. March is the last month to receive results.

[5] Financial Aid
NAFA Financial Aid
Now, we all know private school isn't cheap and many passionate young souls I've met depend heavily on financial aid like I do. If you're a Singaporean with a tight family income, the bursary is attainable for you. It covers half of the annual school fee. Can only be taken once for each year of study. If you are able to claim the bursary for all your years, you’d pay a total of $7050.
For those who are hoping to start at NAFA but is at a really tight end, you need perfect grades in art and portfolio to be considered a scholarship/merit in your first year. You'll need testimonials and pass the interview. If you ain’t good in art, pass this opportunity however you can work for scholarship/merit during your diploma years. I’d score close to the 4.0 (3.8X) in Year 1 in order to get a scholarship to cover my Year 2 fees.
Other options are the 0% interest study loan by DBS. You can make use of your PSEA which you can also use your sibling account to cover your own sch fees.
Last option but not really one is the student assistantship scheme should you already be a student of NAFA. The pay is peanuts, I would not recommend but it's nice to have a one-liner in your resume that you did some work for the school :).
There are NAFA students with a possibly far worse situation than yours but they are extremely talented and hardworking to end up not paying a single cent. NAFA is really expensive so if you do intend to work to cover the fees, take care of your grades as well. It is not impossible to do so. I chose to not work as I was in a hectic design course and needed to maintain my grade for university.

Next, you would need to understand how the system works.

During your study

[1] Useful Acronyms
SOAD: School of Art and Design (Department)
SOAMDT: School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre
SOM: School of Music
D&M: Design and Media
FA: Fine Arts
3DD: 3D Design
FS: Fashion Studies
FYP: Final Year Project (used in almost every SOAD course lol)
OIP: Overseas Immersion Programme

[2] Life at NAFA
So you wish to know how life is like at NAFA? First thing, don't expect the same amount of glitz and glamour that exists in polys. It's much quieter where you won't even hear a mouse die.
Because entry to the school is quite easy, the population regularly consists of graduated ITE students (can’t make it to poly/NAFA is the last golden ticket) alongside many international students. O level cert holders are like a small 10% or less. So if you’re young, prepare to take care of the older lot and expect to carry lazy people.
You have to be very committed to the course and can’t skip class. More than 3 times and they start deducting marks. The workload is heavy and even if it comes in small numbers, it is intense. The number of student to lecturer ratio is not a big difference but later on, consultation times may not suffice. Facilities are sufficient unless you’re in a design course. There are CCAs in the sch but not all courses got time for it. Staying in school late is a common culture. Fine Arts students after class just camp in their respective studios and design students would camp till closing 11 pm at the computer lab waiting for renders to finish. Every student will experience staying late and you can say its #lifeatnafa.
The culture here is not as toxic and dramatic as poly but more towards weird because we’re creative artsy-fartsy people. It’s easy to get along with course mates but there’s a chance for things to get somehow cranky along the way. Could be you or your classmate. Everyone is pretty open and wild. There’s a lack of competitiveness which is both good and bad.
There won't be a course that goes without presentations. That's the point of producing works ain't it, to show it off to the audience. Group work to individual work ratio is about 3:6 so if you worry about bad groupmates, don't worry I've faced them too and it can't be helped ;). Carrying other people during group work is also common. NAFA does stand for lazy people what to do. Your complaints hold no power. (Arguably, many students want the school to make entry to the courses more difficult as there seem to be too many bums to handle)
If you're mentally depressed or anything the school does try to help but no legit support system other than the ECG counsellor (which I find it practically useless). Now, the school deals with this quite often so they don't give a damn about your life. Ownself take care ownself is the usual term.

School events anyone can participate:
Open House (1-day Sentosa fun time with other Open House ambassador)
Orientation (has a 1-night camp! Recommend)
NAFA Fun Day
Overseas Immersion Programme (1-3 weeks long, Asian countries. Recommend but need $)
Student Assistantship Programme (1 year-long contract. Peanut pay)

The list of programmes here may not seem much but you can add it in your portfolio (except Fun Day). There may be volunteer work available within some courses itself. Do try to be active
And that's about it. Nothing special just expensive and less fun.

[3] Understanding NAFA's SOAD Standard
Take a look at what past graduates have produced within their 3 years as a student. Only you can judge whether the school is great or the right fit for your goals (in being able to attain this particular level of skill for XXX course once you graduate for example). The best standard can be found under the best graduate tab.
2020 The Grad Expectations
Graduation Showcase

[4] General Curriculum
Academic Calendar
The 1st semester of your study begins at the start of August and usually ends late November or early December depending on the type of assessment received. The 2nd semester begins in January till May. The span of 1 semester is always around 4 months with a 1-week break in between. We don't really have any sort of term 1/2 thing like poly and is much compressed, so breaks are less. However, you do get compensated with a 3-month vacation between years so that's fair.

*Applicable to SOAD only
Year 1
1st Semester: Foundation Study (not the same as NAFA Foundation programme for N level)
+ Basic art and design theory
+General Education
2nd Semester: Course Foundation
+ General Education
+ Basic course theory
(+ Electives)

Year 2
1st Semester: 2nd Set of Course Foundation
+ Intermediate theory
+ 1st project
+ Basic report/essay writing
(+ Electives)
2nd Semester: Last set of Course Foundation
+ Another set of projects
(+ Electives)

Year 3
1st Semester: Internship/School project (wouldn't want to get this)
2nd Semester: Final Year project (practically on your own)
+ Report/Essay writing
+ Research and development
(+ Electives, not recommended to do during this semester)

It’s clearly not much different from poly, slightly worse at certain points. Weekly school hours per week will increase each semester e.g year 1 sem 1 is 18hrs a week for classes, next semester you may get an additional 2-4 hrs increase of class time. The longest time I had for class each week was 24hrs, pretty sure the same goes for any SOAD course. Do expect late-night classes. It is inevitable because most lecturers are teaching part-time so do bear with them.
Important note:
For a lighter schedule, do electives early as that's one of the simplest things to do.
The difference in timetable won't affect application to university.

[5] Electives
1 common mistake students commit is not reading the student handbook (from studentnet)/contract on the number of credits required for graduation. They end up finishing their electives during Year 3 Semester 2 which is the time one should focus on their FYP. Start doing your electives once you’re in Year 1 Semester 2. Good planning consists of not stuffing your modules until it’s way past 24hrs/week (also known as overloading). You’re required to do cross-disciplinary modules 2-6 credits worth (meaning not related to your course, if you’re from D&M you have to do either FA/3DD/FS) and course-related electives worth 2-6 credits. Days before module registration, plan out the electives you want to do based on your given timetable and then rush to pick on the day of the module registration with no hesitation to secure your placement. You may have to do an elective that is unfamiliar to you.
My sample plan:
Year 1 sem 1: Can’t choose yet
Year 1 sem 2: Photography (Highly recommend, popular as well but must have time and skill + a friend who's free who be your model). 2 credits
Year 1 sem 2 special term (aka holiday): OIP to Hangzhou. China Academy of Arts for 3 weeks. Considered cross-disciplinary to FA. 3 weeks long. 4 credits
Year 2 sem 1: Intro to Rapid prototyping from 3DD (laser cut/3D print) (didn’t really learn how to use the machine as there are technical officers and I messed up at the end but still passed, great elective for embarrassing yourself if you’re a 3DD student who frequents the workshop ;) ). 2 credits
Year 2 sem 2 - onwards: No more electives can focus on FYP
Important note:
Plan well so you accumulate just nice 120 credits for graduation. No point in exceeding the total credits as you have to pay extra for it. If you miss a few credits for graduation, you will be retained for another semester to finish.
Cheat tip: if you go on the OIP to China only, you instantly get cross-disciplinary credits.

[6] Using Workshops/Loaning of equipment

[7] Internships
Usually done in Year 3 Semester 1, this is one of the key semesters every student should complete for it plays a very important role in your portfolio for finding a job post-graduation. The school has a reputable network, however for courses like Fine Art and illustration the intern positions may be limited because Singapore is not very welcoming for such talents. There are top companies who are willing to hire NAFA students on the basis that they have good grades and a juicy portfolio. So if you want the best, you got to be the best.

[8] Overseas Immersion/School Exchange Programmes
Slots for OIP is limited (especially the ones to China), requires an interview. I think the max for some trips were 35-40 people at most. There are subsidies available and coverage varies.

Places NAFA has flown to:
*Xiamen (3 weeks)
*Hangzhou, China Academy of Arts (3 weeks)
*Beijing, Beijing Technology University (3 weeks)
Bangkok (1 week?)
Korea (might've stopped)
Japan (might've stopped)

*Special programme during Year 1 Semester 2 vacation only
I forgot the cost but I've personally have flown to Hangzhou. Best experience ever despite getting a C. Crazy stuff happened at one of the finest Arts school in China :)
Important note:
If you miss the chance to fly, fret not, NAFA's degree programme is a collaboration with a foreign university and they will open an exchange programme for 1 month (that is if COVID doesn't persist). Not sure about the cost though.

[9] CCA (The price list is not updated as of 2020)
List of currently available CCAs:
  1. Muay Thai ( $63 10 sessions)
  2. Yoga (basic: $50 12 sessions, intermediate: $42 10 sessions)
  3. Entrepreneurship club
  4. Urban runners club
  5. Volunteer club
Short story: Long ago, I actually joined the photography club only to end up leaving before they even started anything because everybody was too busy to meet up and thus disbanded.
During my time, Muay Thai is the most popular followed by Yoga. Do check out NAFA OSC account on IG to find out what they do. Looks like they added Korean language class too hmm


[1] Furthering Studies at NAFA
NAFA Degree courses for Arts Management and Music
Update (thanks to the comment below): NAFA is going to change its programmes and collaboration starting from AY2021/2022. The new degree courses are collaborating with UAL (University of Arts, London) and it’s changing from one year course to two-year course which includes 5-7 weeks of going to the colleges in London. All the courses are affected except for Arts Management and Music.
Students with A Level certificates, as well as those without relevant diplomas will be allowed to enrol into NAFA’s degree programmes.
The stuff I wrote may not apply anymore but I will still leave it here as a reference for NAFA's 1-year degree. The degree website is empty for now.

How do you determine if taking NAFA degree is worth it and why should you take or not take the NAFA degree? There’s always a mixed bag of opinions over the degree. Personally, I’m not a fan of it but I won’t be biased and input the pros and cons that can better aid in one’s decision.

1.Existing CGPA from diploma is Low
Finding a job with the private diploma cert and low grades can affect your career progression. Make up for the mistakes that were done during the diploma study and try to do well for the degree.
2. High CGPA, expecting a scholarship (or free ride) for the degree course
If you easily meet these 3 criteria (1) Singapore's local unis are too expensive for your taste, (2) you might be older than 21 years old and need to work ASAP, (3) "broke" but did quite well during your diploma and has an excellent portfolio to show, taking the degree might not be such a bad option. In some instances, the 1-year degree + years of work experience can allow one to take up a master degree at local uni if the pre-requisites are met.
3. Changing career path (still art-related)
It's possible to change paths from design to fine arts. However, for a degree that lasts only for 1 year, it is impossible to acquire a decent knowledge at a degree level compared to the diploma stage in my opinion. Usually, the people who apply for the design degree e.g Spatial Design, have prior knowledge from the related course of study either from NAFA or other polys. 1 year is not enough but never said that it’s impossible and has been done over the years.
4. Increase in starting salary
Nobody says this when asked why they want to take the degree but I'm sure they want an increase in starting salary. If you have a fear of starting out with low pay and want to bump it up by sacrificing a short amount of time and money, go for it.

1.Not a legit degree
This isn’t a biased answer but an honest one. NAFA's degree is not a professional degree. 1-year won't be enough to acquire a lot of knowledge. There are no internships and full training of Softwares/techniques whatsoever. It's basically aimed at NAFA/poly students who have an existing skillset and internship experience during their diploma studies or international students with similar qualifications. I'm not discouraging anyone who wishes to take the degree because some companies do take in students and if they're lucky, they can work for them after graduation.
2. Not 100% applicable for postgraduate studies in Singapore
The local universities may not kindly cater to all NAFA degrees. A number of students after getting a NAFA degree would choose to study overseas to pursue a masters. If getting NAFA's degree is a mean of broadening your studying experience by going overseas, why not? One real-life example that I've heard of works is landscape and architecture diploma + Spatial Design degree + 3 years of work experience at a good company + an excellent portfolio which eventually led this person to enter NUS Masters in Landscape Architecture. Spatial Design has a chance for relevant postgraduate courses although this may not be the same for the other NAFA degrees.
3. Not worth if you are a Singaporean
The cost of NAFA's degree is considered affordable for an international student and it was practically built for them. If a Singaporean were to study at local uni for 3/4 years including subsidies + tuition grant for a design degree, it'd still be cheaper than a NAFA degree. Plus an actual degree from the public unis is still considered much valuable.

If you stand for better higher educational standards after staying there for 3 years, I say work hard and flee.

[2] Furthering studies at a local university
It’s not impossible. It was already allowed a million years ago. It just a matter of effort you put during your diploma years. The current standard at NAFA has dwindled where only less than 10 NAFA grads emerge victoriously so don't be surprised knowing that NAFA barely has high flyers, the school doesn't even push for it. Even my juniors don't know my degree existed 1 year ago...
2 things to note:
  1. NAFA diploma is not allowed entry into many courses that are irrelevant from the diploma unless the GPA is high. The usual entry requirements are GPA 3.5-4.0 also dependent on the 10th percentile, juicy portfolio and testimonial (I didn't need it FYI)
  2. Chances are higher for relevant degrees although any degree will definitely have entry requirements to meet. Some degrees require O level pass in elementary/additional math (they say they don't check anymore after 2019 but I don't want to play out my chances). I know of students who were optimistic about their GPA but they did not read the instructions beforehand.
You will be fighting with the best from poly, JC and beyond. Do your best to represent yourself as a student from NAFA and you'll find a way to stand out from the crowd.
A warning note to future/existing international NAFA students: I know most of y’all only started living in Singapore just before the beginning of the diploma. I don’t know whether your international qualifications can equate with O levels so consider your future plans in Singapore carefully. My dear international classmates weren’t called up for uni interview (GPA already wasn’t helping, no offence) and the super stringent admission criteria crippled their hopes. Many have remained in NAFA to do the 1-year degree or have returned to their home country. I cannot answer for employment rates. If neither one is the option you want to end up with, do take note.

[3] Finding Work
COVID really struck a lot of people hard. I can count the number of my coursemate who is employed with my 10 fingers or less. The full-time employment rate is terrible, believe it or not. The school hides it like the fine print in the student contract. Here in the Graduate Employment Survey, you can see the ending choices of NAFA graduates.
I really can't tell the success rate of one finding a job even based on IG stories itself. I see quite a number of freelancer or people doing other things. Who will remain in the same industry? The top 10% in the cohort but even the best have struggled or are still struggling to find a job. NAFA students are not only fighting among themselves, there are poly students with similarly named courses out there too with a proper educational lineup that a NAFA diploma can't compare with.
A portfolio is usually the passport for finding work and the past 3 years of study is meant to fill it up. Don't waste time being a stubborn student especially when you will be spending a lot of money to study. The best way to make yourself look hire-able is to definitely have good grades and a portfolio. Can't emphasise anything else other than that to convince the company to hire you.

Wrapping it up

NAFA is one of the schools that provides a unique and alternative route away from the usual poly lifestyle. I had some crazy times in there be it social life or workload. It isn't a bad school (I quote 5/10) but if you can work for what you love, you'll do just fine.
The Open House is open and I suggest for those interested to take a look. A whole bunch of admission guides are up for talks.
NAFA Virtual Open House
If you guys have any questions, comment down below so others can read or if you're shy, drop me a DM but I may be busy to reply. Thanks for dropping by!
submitted by Ackeryl to SGExams [link] [comments]

The Global Partnership between Japan and India in the 21st Century

A significant but under-discussed political adjustment in international relations in recent years is the upgrading of low-key relations between Japan and India to a global and strategic partnership. Particularly in the last decade Japan-India relations have gathered significant momentum. It is in tandem with the rise of China and Indo-US engagement that Japan has sought to raise its bilateral relations with India to a higher level with stronger economic and politico-strategic dimensions.
A Little Recent History
During WW2, Indian and Japanese troops fought each other. Post WW2, when Japan was being humiliated by the victorious powers newly independent India had insisted that the world concede to Japan a position of honor and equality among the community of free nations. India also dissociated itself from the victorious powers and did not sign the San Francisco Treaty with Japan in 1951 but signed a separate Peace Treaty in 1952, a few months after having established diplomatic relations, in which it waived any claim to war reparations. In 1958, Japanese aid began to flow to India. Despite the fact that Tokyo did not see trade and commercial opportunities in India’s closed economy.
By 1960, State Of Japan, which had hoped that Republic of India might be a force for stability and development in Asia, had decided that New Delhi was neither geopolitically nor economically aligned with Japanese interests. In turn, Nehruvian India had concluded that Japan was not an independent power. Japan’s post-war position towards Asia was derived from the way Tokyo was firmly incorporated into the United States global strategy, within which it took on the role of America’s ally. It is fair to say that India and Japan stood still more or less for the remainder of the Cold War. After the US rapprochement with China in 1972, Tokyo engineered its own reconcilliation with Beijing later that year. While India's economy was stubbornly closed. China and Japan came to be on the opposite side of the Cold War, against India's quasi ally, the Soviet Union.
By the late 1980s, Japan was India’s largest aid donor, a position it has retained to the present. With the end of the Cold War the strategic divide between the two nations was over. In May 1990, Japanese Prime Minister Kaifu visited India as part of his sojourn to the South Asian region followed by Indian Prime Minister Narsimha Rao who paid an official visit to Japan in June 1992 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of post-war bilateral relations maintained the pace set by Prime Minister Kaifu.The stagnancy which had been observed for many years in Indo-Japanese economic relationship was also broken in the early 1990s as India undertook major economic reforms and unveiled a “Look East” policy. India’s nuclear explosions in May 1998, however, saw Japan taking an aggressive stand on the issue of proliferation particularly nuclear proliferation. The diplomatic impasse ended with Japanese Prime Minister Mori’s visit to India in August 2000. The two countries agreed to establish a “Global Partnership in the 21st Century” and Japan lifted all nuclear-related economic sanctions on India on October 26, 2001. Since Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s visit to India in April 2005, Japan-India summit meetings have become an annual feature.
Since the 1980s, India and Japan have come some way, particularly economically. Trade between the two has grown steadily, and Japan is the third largest investor in India. Diplomatically and strategically too, the two sides know each other better than ever before.
The Evolution of Japan-India Strategic Partnership
In the year 2000 when Japanese Prime Minister Mori visited India "The Global Partnership between Japan and India in the 21st Century" was announced a term which had previously been used by Japan only to describe its relations with the United States. The prelude to the Strategic and Global Partnership between Japan and India was Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso’s speech1 stating Japan’s hope to build an “arc of freedom and prosperity”. Presenting it as a new pillar in Japanese diplomacy Mr. Aso spoke of this sweeping arc stretching from Northeast Asia to Central Asia and the Caucasus, Turkey, Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic states where Japan would serve as an "escort runner" through diplomacy that emphasizes values freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights and the rule of law. To this end Japan would actively work with other countries that share the same beliefs.
In April 2007, the first ever trilateral naval exercises were held between the United States, Japan and India in the Western Pacific and in August 2007, the annual India-US Malabar naval exercise was transformed into large-scale multilateral exercises in the Bay of Bengal involving the United States, India, Japan, Australia and Singapore. Soon after Japan and India unveiled the Roadmap for New Dimensions to the Strategic and Global Partnership between Japan and India clearly stating that “a strong, prosperous and dynamic India is in the interest of Japan and a strong, prosperous and dynamic Japan is in the interest of India and recognized that Japan and India share a congruence of interests.”2
In addition visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe presented his views on the future of Japan and India in an address at the Indian Parliament.3 The address titled "Confluence of the Two Seas stated: The Pacific and the Indian Oceans are now bringing about a dynamic coupling as seas of freedom and of prosperity. A "broader Asia" that broke away geographical boundaries is now beginning to take on a distinct form. Our two countries have the ability -- and the responsibility -- to ensure that it broadens yet further and to nurture and enrich these seas to become seas of clearest transparence.
The next year, when Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited Japan in October 2008, the joint statement read as Advancement of the Strategic and Global Partnership between India and Japan. The two countries also issued the Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation between Japan and India wherein it was decided to create a comprehensive framework for the enhancement of security cooperation. The declaration affirmed “similar perceptions of the evolving environment in the region and the world at large” and on signing the declaration, the Japanese and Indian Prime Ministers asserted that the strategic partnership between the two countries would become “an essential pillar for the future architecture of the region”.4. The only other country with which Japan has signed a similar declaration is Australia in 2007.
Japan and India strategic partnership appears set for a new high after Mr. Shinzo Abe once again becoming the Prime Minister of Japan. Signaling strengthened intent in this regard, Mr. Abe has spoken of Asia’s Democratic Security Diamond.5 In his words: I envisage a strategy whereby Australia, India, Japan, and the US state of Hawaii form a diamond to safeguard the maritime commons stretching from the Indian Ocean region to the western Pacific. I am prepared to invest, to the greatest possible extent, Japan’s capabilities in this security diamond.
The Economic Imperatives of Japan-India Relations
From a bilateral standpoint the most noteworthy and tangible improvements in Japan-India relations have been in the sphere of economic relations and it is here that the China factor is directly evident.
Importantly, Japan is also currently India’s largest bilateral developmental assistance donor and India has been the top recipient of Yen loans6 from Japan since 2003 surpassing China, which had been holding that position for many years. In fact as the argument that China was an economic threat gained momentum in Japan correspondingly Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) disbursements to India increased. The share of Japanese development assistance in total ODA received by India has been significantly increasing over the past few years. Delhi Metro is one of the most successful examples of Japanese cooperation through the utilisation of ODA
Given that Japan’s ODA tends to be focused on the economic infrastructure needs of recipients the major sectors attracting the attention of Japanese ODA in China and India have also been largely similar. In China, from April 1980 - December 2007, 48 percent of Japan’s ODA projects belonged to the transportation, electric power and gas sector. In the case of India, from March 1976 – March 2012, 50 percent of the projects have belonged to the transportation, electric power and gas sector.7
Japan-India Cooperation in Northeast India
Northeast India’s physical proximity to the ASEAN countries (a region where Japan has a huge economic stake), its importance in India’s bilateral ties with Japan is only set to grow in the near future. In the last couple of years, Japan has been investing in India’s Northeastern region in a big way. Apart from the connectivity factor, Northeast India is key for both Japan’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy” and India’s “Act-East Policy”.
Tokyo has contributed to many infrastructure development projects in Northeast India.
First, it has provided ODA loans for the North East Road Network Connectivity Improvement Project (which includes the National Highway 51 in Meghalaya and the NH54 in Mizoram) and will extend a loan to the tune of 2,239 crore.8
Second, Japanese organisations, such as the Nippon Foundation, have provided financial support for the construction of the Imphal War Museum in Manipur in memory of the nearly 70,000 Japanese soldiers who are believed to have died in the Battles of Imphal and Kohima during the Second World War.9
Third, the Japanese government’s IRIS programme saw the visit of 23 young talents from the Northeastern part of India to Japan in October 2017. Announced by Japanese Ambassador to India, Kenji Hiramatsu, at the commemoration of the 73rd anniversary of Battle of Imphal in May 2017, the programme aims to enhance friendship between Japan and the Northeast region of India10
Fourth, following up on the memorandum of cooperation, signed during the visit of Abe to India, to establish the India-Japan Act East Forum, India’s Ministry of External Affairs and the Embassy of Japan in India held the first joint meeting of the Forum in December 2017. The meeting also included representatives from India’s Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, the Department of Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Northeastern states. From the Japanese side, there was representation from JICA, the Japan External Trade Organization, the Japan Foundation and the Japan National Tourism Organization.11
Fifth, Tokyo is also hoping to receive more interns from the Northeast under the rubric of the Technical Intern Training Programme in Japan, in areas like elderly care, which is a major concern for Japan, especially given its ageing population. Tokyo is also conducting capacity development programmes for forest management and income diversification in the Northeastern part of India.
Finally, Japan and India are also working towards holding joint counter-terrorism exercises at the Counter- Insurgency Jungle Warfare School in Mizoram. In addition, Tokyo and New Delhi are also looking at cooperation in the field of sports, especially with Tokyo hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020. Sports persons from the Northeast have excelled both on the national and the international stage and Japan is mulling about cooperation with Manipur National Sports University.12
Tokyo has already been providing ODA to India since 1958 and it is New Delhi’s biggest bilateral donor. Japanese foreign direct investment to India has also been increasing. It has also been involved in many other flagship infrastructure development projects in India, such as the upcoming Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project, the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, the Chennai- Bangalore Industrial Corridor, the Delhi Metro and some others. Japan’s financial help will give a much-needed boost to India’s “Act-East Policy” and speed up New Delhi’s engagement, not only with Japan, but also with the ASEAN region and could very well be a game-changer as far as infrastructure development in Northeast India is concerned.
AAGC: Geopolitics Driven by Infrastructure Investment
In 2015, India and Japan elevated their bilateral engagement to that of “Special Strategic and Global Partnership” — a key relationship with the largest potential for growth, into a deep, broad-based and action-oriented partnership.
Given this convergence of interest to counter China’s ambitions, the most significant response by New Delhi and Tokyo against Beijing came in the form of the “Asia-Africa Growth Corridor”. However, the idea of AAGC was first conceived in the India-Japan Joint Declaration as issued by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in November 2016 — which emphasised on “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy”13 More specifically, India and Japan share the common principles, as noted by Japanese Ambassador to India Kenji Hiramatsu that infrastructure projects should be implemented “in an open, transparent and non-exclusive manner based on international standards and responsible debt-financing practices, while ensuring respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, the rule of law and environment.”14
Given this common vision, under AAGC, India and Japan aim to build a sea corridor via the Indian Ocean that will integrate the economies of South, Southeast and East Asia with Oceania and Africa. Here, the key objective is to create “free and open Indo-Pacific region” by rediscovering ancient sea-routes and creating new sea corridors that will link the African continent with India and countries in South Asia and South- East Asia. AAGC would consist of four main components: development and cooperation projects, quality infrastructure and institutional connectivity, capacity and skill enhancement and people-to-people partnerships. Here, common links can be drawn to that of China’s BRI which has similar goals of inter- connectedness in Eurasia, thus reaffirming India and Japan’s counterbalance strategy. However, under AAGC India and Japan aim at developing quality infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific region. While in practical terms, AAGC is an opportunity for New Delhi and Tokyo. That is, Japan being a resource- poor nation could benefit from Africa’s vast natural resources; whereas, India is rich in mineral reserves, but fossil fuels are insufficient which it can draw from Africa to meet the needs of its growing economic and population size.15 Besides, AAGC project also provides an alternative development mechanism for Africa, against China’s BRI that is facing challenges of rising debt in various countries.
In providing an alternative to China’s BRI, New Delhi and Tokyo have already put the plan into action by means of funding. That is, Japan pledged US$ 30 billion in public and private funds to Africa over three years to support the development of infrastructure, education and healthcare.[15] While India pledged to extend US$10 billion in low-interest loans to Africa over five years.[15] In addition, Modi and Abe discussed moving ahead with specific initiatives, such as a cancer hospital and a small business development seminar in Kenya.[15] However, given the coincidence with BRI, the challenge for India and Japan lies in making AAGC a lucrative alternative to BRI — mostly how to not make it a “debt trap” like that of BRI.
In conclusion, AAGC is still at the visionary stage, but it’s a strong counterbalance strategy to keep China’s growing ambitions in check. Although, the vision for AAGC still lacks detail, however, if mapped well provides an opportunity to raise both countries’ profile in a strategic continent, that is, Africa. Furthermore, unlike other big powers, India and Japan can make it significant by acting as responsible players in the region.
Final thoughts
I believe, The Indo-Japanese vision of the Asia-Pacific is based on the principles of liberal mutual economic benefits and strategic interdependence that function as the operating frame work for achieving wider geo-political objectives. The commonality of visions and strategic imperatives facilitate economic cooperation, defence collaboration, strategic positioning, joint endeavors in regional mechanisms to meet the emerging challenges in the Asia-Pacific.
Of the various dimensions of the India-Japan strategic partnership, the most discerning is the one which is related to their cooperation in working together to ensure that the current transition which East asia is experiencing is smooth and any future regional order is devoid of conflicts and mutual acrimony. Both India and Japan have strong stakes in East Asia and hence it is incumbent on them to work together towards building the new regionalism in East Asia.
I would really appreciate Geopolitics community members thoughts on How Japan-India relations will be transforming in Indo-Pacific region as well in Africa with US influence in the region diminishing.
submitted by Unemployed_Sapien to geopolitics [link] [comments]

How did your parents treat you growing up? Were they a net benefit or detriment?

It's a common theme in this subreddit that parents basically have children to take care of them in their old age, that it's selfish to have children, etc. This sentiment has been so far from what I've experienced that I want to hear from a broader section of sg.
For me personally, my parents provided for my every need when I was growing up. Financially, they paid for me overseas study, they gave me money for my downpayment for my first house, they loaned me money for me second house. They saved up plenty for their own retirement, and are still happily working at 65+.
In terms of study, they were strict, but then I was a lazy fuck that would throw away my homework and not do it unless I had a tuition teacher literally sitting across the table from me. I'm sure I underperformed academically for most of my life because I wouldn't put in the effort, but not due to any lack from my parents. They did convince me to study law instead of computer science/engineering, but in hindsight (remember, this was in the early 90s) they were right. IT jobs have been oursourced/taken over by foreign talent, and law is still the law. I managed to carve my own niche doing IP/IT law, and I earn enough to buy my computer toys, so it's not so bad.
The one thing they could have done better was to teach me social skills, but then they are flawed humans too. Took me far too long to learn to read body language, and build relationships (I still suck). But they did they best for me that they knew how, and I owe everything that I am now to them.
I'd like to think I'm doing the same for my children - we've started an endowment fund for each child, with sufficient payout to ensure that they have a lump sum for uni, and individual savings accounts for each of them to have some seed money for when they get married/take a gap yeawhatever. They have plenty of enrichment classes, soccer class, music class, art class, we spend weekends together going to the beach, to the botanic gardens, try to teach them the best we can and not let them make our mistakes (but my eldest seems to be a carbon copy of me, trying my best not to let him turn into an introverted weirdo).
This seems to be the case for all my circle of friends as well, those with children and those without. For reference, I'm almost 40. All of them have deep relationships with their parents, and their parents without exception help them out in many ways, financial, emotional, even childcare. I still see this with my own parents, and even my grandparents (when they were around). We're all building to a greater future for our children, and hope that they will pass it on and be useful members of society.
Is this such a isolated experience in Singapore? Or is this just the online echo chamber of negativity?
submitted by tabbynat to singapore [link] [comments]

9 Free Stocks and $525 Free Cash/Bitcoin - Join Webull, Firstrade, Public, Moomoo, M1 Finance, SoFi Invest, Robinhood, BlockFi, Voyager, BlockFi, Gemini, Celsius Network,, ZenGo, Spot, Coinbase, Binance, Crypterium - Commission Free Stock Trading + Cryptocurrency Apps

Get up to nine (9) free stocks (valued up to $6000 total) plus a $105 cash bonus when you sign up for any commission free stock trading app with no deposit required like Public, Firstrade, Robinhood and Webull or a small deposit like SoFi Invest, Moomoo, and M1 Finance. You can buy stocks like Tesla and Google for as low as $1 with fractional shares at M1 Finance, Robinhood, Public, and SoFi Invest! Free stocks are available to US residents only.
Plus enjoy a minimum of $260 (up to $410) in free cash/Bitcoin bonuses from ($25 Cash), Voyager ($25 Bitcoin), BlockFi ($10 Bitcoin), Celsius Network ($130 Bitcoin Bonus), ZenGo ($10 Cash), Gemini ($10 Bitcoin), Spot ($5 Bitcoin), Coinbase ($10 Bitcoin + $170 Bonus), and Crypterium ($5 Cash) by signing up and making a small deposits/transactions! All companies are regulated and licensed., Celsius Network, BlockFi, ZenGo, Gemini, Coinbase, and Crypterium are open to users globally, but Voyager and Binance.US are available to US customers only.
More details below! Be sure to use each referral link or promo code to get your free stock, cash, and Bitcoin bonuses and thank you!

Webull (2 Free Stocks up to $1800)

Sign up for Webull ( and receive two (2) free stocks (valued between $8 to $1600 each, up to $1800) when you open a stock brokerage account (within 24 hours) and make an initial deposit of $100 or more! This is a limited time promo bonus from Webull when you use the referral link!
You do not need to invest the money deposited and simply transfer the money back to your bank after receiving the three free stock bonuses.
You get a free stock for opening a brokerage account plus another free stock for making an initial deposit of $100 or more! That's two (2) free stocks! Webull is available on Android and iOS!
Webull is registered and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). It is also a member of the SIPC which protects securities customers of its members up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for claims for cash).
Remember to sign up at to receive your two free stocks up to $1800 for just an initial deposit of $100 or more!
Thank you!

Firstrade (3 Free Stocks up to $600, No Deposit Required)

Sign up and open a Firstrade Stock Trading Account ( and get a 3 free stocks instantly (valued up to $200 each) when your taxable trading account is approved. You get one free stock when your account is approved with no deposit required. You'll receive 2 more free stocks when you make a deposit of $100 or more within 30 days! That's 3 free stocks! US customers only.
Firstrade offers commission free stock, ETF and mutual funds trading via the web or mobile apps (iOS and Android)! Plus your account is SIPC insured up to $500,000!
You're guaranteed 3 free stocks, but you have a 1 in 100 chance of getting Apple, Facebook, AMD or Bank of America! Plus a chance to win one of 20 iPhone 12 phones being raffled if you sign up by January 15, 2021.
Be sure to use my Firstrade signup link to receive your free stocks and thank you! -
Thank you!

Moomoo (2 Free Stocks up to $1000)

Sign up for Moomoo Commission Free Stock Trading App ( and open a trading account and you're guaranteed to receive a free stock (valued between $4-$1000) when you make an initial deposit of $100 or more. Plus earn additional free stock when you make total net deposits of $1500 or more! That's two free stocks when you have net deposits of $1500+.
You'll have a 1 in 250 chance to win a free stock in Tesla, Netflix, Apple or Facebook and 1 in 100 chance to win a free stock in Microsoft, Disney, Starbucks or IBM.
You don't need to buy stocks with your deposit. You can simply get your free stocks, sell it and cash out back to your bank. It took me about 20 minutes for my account to get verified and receive my free stock within 3 days after my initial deposit cleared.
Moomoo (Futu Inc.) is a member of FINRA and SIPC so your account is protected up to $500,000. Moomoo app is available for iOS and Android!
Be sure to signup with my referral link to get your two free stocks! -
Thank you!

Public (1 Free Stock up to $1000, No Deposit Required)

Sign up for Public (, a commission-free stock trading app for iOS and Android, and receive a free stock slice worth up to $1000 when you open a new trading account. No deposit required to receive your free stock!
It takes about 5 minutes to sign up! Please visit the link using your iOS or Android phone to download the app. Within 24 hours, I received a $25 slice of Apple stock when I opened a Public account!
Public allows you to buy a slice of any stock like Apple, Tesla, and Google for as low as $5 with no trading fees and your Public stock trading account is SIPC insured up to $500,000.
Be sure to use my Public signup link on your mobile phone to get your free stock with no deposit required -
Thank you!

M1 Finance ($30 Cash Bonus)

Sign up for a free M1 Finance stock trading account ( and you'll get a $30 cash bonus after you make a deposit of $100 or more when you open a taxable (non-retirement) account within 30 days. You can choose to invest the cash bonus or withdrawal the money to your bank!
If you open a taxable (non-retirement) account, then you must make a deposit of $100 or more to get $30 cash bonus. If you open an IRA account, then you must make a deposit of $500 or more to get the $30 cash bonus and open a taxable (non-retirement) account.
The initial deposit must remain in the account for 30 days to receive the bonus.
M1 Finance allows you to buy fractional shares as low as $0.01 on stocks and ETFs like Tesla, Amazon, and Google with no trading/commission fees plus there are no monthly fees or account minimums. You can open a regular investment, IRA, and/or Roth IRA account plus your accounts are SIPC and FDIC insured!
Be sure to use my M1 Finance signup link -
Thank you!

SoFi Invest ($50 Cash Bonus up to $2575)

Open a SoFi Invest Account ( today and get a $50 cash bonus to invest in ANY stock or ETF. Plus you can buy any stock or ETF like Apple, Amazon or Google for as low as $1 with fractional share investing and no fees to buy or sell!
Just open a SoFi Invest Account with an initial deposit of $1000 or more and SoFi will instantly give you a $50 cash bonus to invest in any stock which you can sell and cash out the money back to your bank account. You do not need to invest your deposit into a stock/ETF to earn the bonus.
Your SoFi Invest account is SIPC insured up to $500,000!
After you receive your $50 bonus, you can more free cash bonuses with SoFi Invest when you:
That's a potential $2575 in cash bonuses with SoFi Invest!
Be sure to signup at to get your $50 bonus.
Thank you!

Robinhood (1 Free Stock up to $200)

Sign up for a free Robinhood stock trading account ( and you'll get a free stock valued up to $200 instantly (like Ford, Apple or Facebook) with no deposit required! It's free money just for signing up!
Plus you can buy any stock or ETF like SPY and Tesla for as low as $1 with fractional share investing.
Robinhood offers commission-free trading on stocks and ETFs via web and mobile plus your account is SIPC insured! Plus you can signup for a free Cash Management Account with 0.30% APY interest on cash (FDIC insured up to $1.25 million), free Mastercard debit card, no foreign transaction fees, no account minimums and no fee 75,000+ ATMs.
Be sure to use my Robinhood signup link and thanks! -
Thank you!

Voyager ($25 in Free Bitcoin + Up to 9% APY Interest)

Get $25 in free Bitcoin (BTC) when you download and signup for the Voyager Crypto Trading App with reward/promo code O6E5JJ and trade at least $100 or more in crypto (buy and/or sell). Only available to US residents.
To get your $25 in free Bitcoin after trading (buy/sell) $100 or more in crypto, use reward/referral code O6E5JJ during registration:
Voyager App allows you to connect a bank account and deposit cash directly. The easiest way to get the bonus is depositing at least $100 into your account to buy at least $100 of Bitcoin or Ethereum. Then sell the Bitcoin/Ethereum immediately. You'll receive your $25 in free Bitcoin bonus and can transfer the money back to your bank.
Voyager App offers commission-free cryptocurrency trading for over 20 cryptos and its currently available to residents in all U.S. states (excluding New York state).
Plus, you can earn monthly interest on your crypto holdings up to 9% APY interest annually on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDC, and USDT!
Please use my referral code by downloading the iOS app or Android app and use reward/referral code O6E5JJ during registration. It's an easy way to earn a $25 worth of free Bitcoin after you buy $100 or more in crypto and cash out the profit back to your bank!
Thank you!

BlockFi ($10 in Free Bitcoin + Earn up to 8.6% Per Year on Crypto Deposits)

Sign up for BlockFi ( and receive $10 in free Bitcoin bonus when you deposit $100 or more (like free ACH bank transfer, Bitcoin or USDC) and maintain the qualifying deposit for 30 days. The bonus is deposited on the following month after deposit. Do not withdraw from your balance or you WILL LOSE the Bitcoin bonus payment. Just wait until you receive your Bitcoin bonus then you can withdraw from your account.
This promotional $10 Bitcoin bonus is available to all customers globally!
Plus you'll earn up to 8.6% per year on the cryptos you deposit into your BlockFi account like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, PAX, GUSD and USDC. Interest is compounded monthly and paid out on the 1st of every month.
You can download the iOS app ( or Android app ( Be sure to use referral code c316afd8 during signup to get your $10 Bitcoin bonus after initial $100 or more deposit (like ACH bank transfer, Bitcoin or USDC).
Referral bonuses are paid on the 15th of every month following the holding month. i.e New clients who deposit in January and hold in February, will get paid on the 15th of the following month (March).
BlockFi supports free ACH deposits (US only), bank wire transfers and deposits via crypto. If you want to buy crypto and deposit on BlockFi, you will need to use Coinbase, Gemini, Liquid, Binance US or Binance to link your bank account to buy crypto and transfer to BlockFi.
In addition to earning interest on your crypto deposits, BlockFi allows you to exchange cryptos like BTC for Ethereum and take out a loan without selling your crypto.
BlockFi is available to all customers globally including in all 50 US states! BlockFi is a licensed and regulated company in the United States.
Remember to sign up at to get your $10 in free Bitcoin bonus.
Thank you!

Celsius Network ($130 in Free Bitcoin + Up to 22% APY Interest)

Sign up on Celsius Network ( or use promo code 1891962be1 during signup) and you'll get $20 in free Bitcoin (BTC) after first deposit of $200 or more in crypto (like Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, USDT, USDC) within 30 days! Just complete the registration and KYC process to earn your free Bitcoin after qualifying deposit!
Plus earn an additional $110 in free Bitcoin with additional in-app promo bonus codes listed below after you complete registration.
Celsius Network pays you interest (compounded, up to 18.55% annually) every week on your crypto deposits like Bitcoin, USD, and PAX/Tether Gold. Earn up to 16.54% APY on stablecoins like USDC, USDT, DAI, GUSD, TGBP, and more! Plus there are no minimum deposit and no fees to deposit or withdrawal!
Your free Bitcoin is locked for 30 days after your initial deposit and available to withdrawal after 30 days. You cannot withdraw any funds deposited for 30 days or else you will lose the Bitcoin bonus!
Here's the process to claim your free $130 in Bitcoin/Celsius bonuses:
  1. Sign up for Celsius Network at (or use promo code 1891962be1 during registration at to secure the $20 Bitcoin bonus on the first deposit)
  2. Complete the KYC process including ID verification
  3. Deposit $200 or more in crypto to receive your $20 in free Bitcoin bonus like Bitcoin, Ethereum and USD stablecoin.
  4. Bitcoin bonus is locked for 30 days after qualifying deposit and after 30 days you can keep or withdraw it. DO NOT WITHDRAW any crypto from your account during the 30 days after qualifying deposit OR YOU WILL LOSE the bonus. Wait until the bonus is unlocked.
  5. Go to Profile -> Enter a Promo Code and input promo code WEB40 to earn additional $40 in free Bitcoin after making any crypto deposit of $200 or more.
  6. Go to Profile -> Enter a Promo Code and input promo code TRUST to earn additional $50 in free Bitcoin after making any crypto deposit of $2000 or more.
  7. Go to Profile -> Enter a Promo Code and input promo code BANTER20 to earn additional $20 in free Bitcoin after making any crypto deposit of $1000 or more!
  8. Make a total deposit of $3400 to unlock all bonuses or deposit each amount separately to unlock each bonus individually
At the moment you can't link a bank account to deposit cash to your Celsius Network account so you'll need to use Coinbase, Binance US, or Gemini to buy crypto like Bitcoin or USDC and transfer to your Celsius account. Then transfer back to cash out and back to your bank.
Remember to use my Celsius Network referral link - or use promo code 1891962be1 during registration to get your first $20 in free Bitcoin and enter the additional promo codes after successful registration for more free Bitcoin.
Thank you! ($25 Cash Bonus + Up to 12% APY Interest)

Get $25 free cash bonus when you signup and open a account ( or use referral code bcsbb2r465 during registration. Plus for the first 30 days after registration, you'll pay 0% fees on crypto purchases using a credit or debit card.
After you buy and hold 5000 CRO ( tokens, the $25 cash bonus is unlocked to your wallet to spend with your free MCO Visa prepaid card which earns up to 5% cashback on all purchases with free Netflix, Spotify and Amazon Prime membership! This offer is available to all users globally! is the best place to buy and sell cryptocurrency with fees as low as 0.10%. Plus you'll earn up to 8% interest per year on the cryptos you deposit into your account like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Binance Coin, and PAX Gold. You'll earn up to 12% interest per year on stablecoin deposits like USDT, USDC, DAI, PAX, GUSD and TGBP. Interest is paid weekly!
You can buy 5000 MCO ( tokens via the app with bank transfer, credit card or crypto like Bitcoin. 5000 CRO will cost between $325 to $400 depending on the price of CRO tokens. The 5000 CRO tokens will be locked up for 6 months.
Visit or download the app for iOS or Android and use my referral code bcsbb2r465 during registration to get your instant $25 cash bonus.

ZenGo ($10 Cash Bonus)

Get free $10 USDC cash back when you download and signup for the ZenGo Crypto Wallet App ( with referral promo code ZENEBJ94 and buy at least $200 or more in crypto (like Bitcoin and Ethereum). ZenGo is a non-custodial wallet and available to all users globally including US, Europe and Asia.
You will earn a one-time cashback reward of 10 USDC from ZenGo when you purchase 200 USD or more of crypto in the ZenGo app. This can be achieved with a single purchase or multiple purchases. After you receive the bonus, you can transfer it to an external wallet or exchange it for another crypto like Bitcoin.
ZenGo App is available on iOS and Android! Buying crypto in ZenGo is easy and safe. You can buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USD Coin (USDC), and more with your credit card (Visa and Mastercard), Apple Pay (Visa and Mastercard), bank transfer (SEPA and Swift), or debit card (Maestro).
ZenGo allows you to send crypto to any address with no minimums, maximums or extra fees plus you can earn interest on your cryptocurrencies with no lockups and high APRs!
Sign up for ZenGo at or use referral code ZENEBJ94 during registration to receive your free $10 USDC cash back after you buy $200 or more in crypto.
Thank you!

Gemini ($10 in Free Bitcoin)

Get $10 in free Bitcoin when you signup for Gemini, a US-based regulated and licensed cryptocurrency exchange. This offer is available to NEW USERS ONLY residing in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea.
Follow these steps:
  1. Sign up for a Gemini account with my referral link at (new users only)
  2. Verify your identity
  3. Link your bank account and deposit $100 or more
  4. Buy or Sell 100 USD of any crypto within 30 days of opening an account and Gemini will deposit your bonus of $10 worth of Bitcoin within a day.
After you receive your free $10 of Bitcoin, you can sell your cryptos and transfer the cash back to your bank! Gemini also allows you to transfer any crypto to an external wallet for free with no withdrawal fees.
Gemini is regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) and was founded in 2014 by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss.
Thank you!

Spot Wallet ($5 in Free Bitcoin)

Get free $5 in Bitcoin instantly when you download the Spot Crypto Wallet App ( and use invite/referral code QhunPx3vp1imBEdK9 and buy at least $100 or more in Bitcoin and/or Ethereum. Spot Wallet is a non-custodial wallet and available to all users globally including US, Europe and Asia.
You will earn a one-time $5 reward in Bitcoin from Spot when you purchase 100 USD or more of crypto in the Spot app using Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa or Mastercard. After you receive the bonus, you can keep in your Spot wallet or transfer it to an external wallet.
Spot Wallet App is available on iOS and Android! Buying crypto on Spot is easy and safe. You can buy Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) with your debit/credit card (Visa and Mastercard), Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Early investors in Spot include Ledger and Memo Bank.
Download Spot at and use invite/referral code QhunPx3vp1imBEdK9 (go to 'Account' -> 'Enter invite code') to receive your free $5 in Bitcoin after you buy $100 or more in crypto.

Coinbase ($10 in Free Bitcoin + $170 in Bonus Crypto)

Sign up for a Coinbase cryptocurrency account ( and get $10 of free Bitcoin (BTC) after you buy or sell $100 or more in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash. You will also need to verify your identity. This offer is available to all customers globally!
In addition, get $43 in free BAND Token by visiting by watching tutorials and answering simple questions about cryptocurrency with Coinbase Earn! You'll also get additional free cryptocurrencies without any deposit or trading required. You can easily make up to $180 in free cryptocurrency and cash out the money back to your bank!
You can also earn 0.15% annual interest holding USDC tokens (for US customers) and 4% annual interest staking Tezos tokens (for US, UK, and EU customers)!
Coinbase is one of the most trusted and easiest place to buy, sell, and manage your digital currency portfolio and its available in 100+ countries around the world! Coinbase allows you to deposit/withdrawal funds via free bank transfer, credit/debit card or bank wire.
Remember to use my referral link to get your $10 of free Bitcoin after trading $100 or more in crypto plus another $170 in free crypto bonuses -
If you already have a Coinbase account, you get $43 in free BAND Token by visiting the following referral links:
Thank you!

Binance US

Sign up for a free account on Binance.US to buy and sell cryptocurrency and enjoy fees as low as 0.075%! Binance US allows you to connect a bank account and deposit cash directly via ACH deposit for free to buy crypto. Or you can use a debit card to buy crypto.
Please use my referral link or use referral ID 35011786 during registration.
Binance.US is only available to US customers and in most states, but not all states. At the moment, Binance.US accounts is NOT available in the following states: Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, New York, Texas, Vermont, Washington.
Thank you!

Crypterium ($5 Cash Bonus)

Have you tried the Crypterium Crypto Wallet App for iOS and Android? Sign up for Crypterium at (or use referral code cdgy4 during signup) and get a $5 cash bonus by verifying your identity and make a transaction worth €50/$60 or more (like buy or sell crypto) via the Crypterium Wallet app. The bonus is deposited within 72 hours.
Crypterium lets you buy, send, exchange or cash out crypto, and even get the first global crypto card! The Crypterium Wallet is regarded as one of the most promising fintech solutions by KPMG and H2 Ventures. Making crypto as easy to spend as cash!
Plus for a limited time, get a Crypto Loan in USDT from Crypterium for 0% interest for up to 12 months by using Bitcoin or Ethereum as collateral. Get approved in as little as 30 seconds without credit checks!
The Crypterium App supports cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, CRPT, XRP, LINK, MKR, QASH, BAT, ZRX, REP, OMG, USDC, USDT, DAI, and EURS.
Register at to receive a link to download the app or use my referral code cdgy4 during signup at and get your $5 cash bonus!
Thank you!
submitted by cryptomiles to referralcodes [link] [comments]

11 Free Stocks and $525 Free Cash/Bitcoin - Join Webull, Firstrade, Public, Moomoo, M1 Finance, SoFi Invest, Robinhood, BlockFi, Voyager, BlockFi, Gemini, Celsius Network,, ZenGo, Spot, Coinbase, Binance, Crypterium - Commission Free Stock Trading + Cryptocurrency Apps

Get up to eleven (11) free stocks (valued up to $6000 total) plus a $105 cash bonus when you sign up for any commission free stock trading app with no deposit required like Public, Firstrade, Robinhood and Webull or a small deposit like SoFi Invest, Moomoo, and M1 Finance. You can buy stocks like Tesla and Google for as low as $1 with fractional shares at M1 Finance, Robinhood, Public, and SoFi Invest! Free stocks are available to US residents only.
Plus enjoy a minimum of $260 (up to $410) in free cash/Bitcoin bonuses from ($25 Cash), Voyager ($25 Bitcoin), BlockFi ($10 Bitcoin), Celsius Network ($130 Bitcoin Bonus), ZenGo ($10 Cash), Gemini ($10 Bitcoin), Spot ($5 Bitcoin), Coinbase ($10 Bitcoin + $170 Bonus), and Crypterium ($5 Cash) by signing up and making a small deposits/transactions! All companies are regulated and licensed., Celsius Network, BlockFi, ZenGo, Gemini, Coinbase, and Crypterium are open to users globally, but Voyager and Binance.US are available to US customers only.
More details below! Be sure to use each referral link or promo code to get your free stock, cash, and Bitcoin bonuses and thank you!

Webull (4 Free Stocks up to $3700)

Sign up for Webull ( and receive four (4) free stocks (valued between $8 to $1600 each, up to $3700) when you open a stock brokerage account (within 24 hours) and make an initial deposit of $100 or more! This is a limited time promo bonus from Webull when you use the referral link!
You do not need to invest the money deposited and simply transfer the money back to your bank after receiving the three free stock bonuses.
You get two free stocks for opening a brokerage account plus another two free stocks for making an initial deposit of $100 or more! That's four (4) free stocks! Webull is available on Android and iOS!
Webull is registered and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). It is also a member of the SIPC which protects securities customers of its members up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for claims for cash).
Remember to sign up at to receive your four free stocks up to $1600 for just an initial deposit of $100 or more!
Thank you!

Firstrade (3 Free Stocks up to $600, No Deposit Required)

Sign up and open a Firstrade Stock Trading Account ( and get a 3 free stocks instantly (valued up to $200 each) when your taxable trading account is approved. You get one free stock when your account is approved with no deposit required. You'll receive 2 more free stocks when you make a deposit of $100 or more within 30 days! That's 3 free stocks! US customers only.
Firstrade offers commission free stock, ETF and mutual funds trading via the web or mobile apps (iOS and Android)! Plus your account is SIPC insured up to $500,000!
You're guaranteed 3 free stocks, but you have a 1 in 100 chance of getting Apple, Facebook, AMD or Bank of America! Plus a chance to win one of 20 iPhone 12 phones being raffled if you sign up by January 15, 2021.
Be sure to use my Firstrade signup link to receive your free stocks and thank you! -
Thank you!

Moomoo (2 Free Stocks up to $1000)

Sign up for Moomoo Commission Free Stock Trading App ( and open a trading account and you're guaranteed to receive a free stock (valued between $4-$1000) when you make an initial deposit of $100 or more. Plus earn additional free stock when you make total net deposits of $1500 or more! That's two free stocks when you have net deposits of $1500+.
You'll have a 1 in 250 chance to win a free stock in Tesla, Netflix, Apple or Facebook and 1 in 100 chance to win a free stock in Microsoft, Disney, Starbucks or IBM.
You don't need to buy stocks with your deposit. You can simply get your free stocks, sell it and cash out back to your bank. It took me about 20 minutes for my account to get verified and receive my free stock within 3 days after my initial deposit cleared.
Moomoo (Futu Inc.) is a member of FINRA and SIPC so your account is protected up to $500,000. Moomoo app is available for iOS and Android!
Be sure to signup with my referral link to get your two free stocks! -
Thank you!

Public (1 Free Stock up to $1000, No Deposit Required)

Sign up for Public (, a commission-free stock trading app for iOS and Android, and receive a free stock slice worth up to $1000 when you open a new trading account. No deposit required to receive your free stock!
It takes about 5 minutes to sign up! Please visit the link using your iOS or Android phone to download the app. Within 24 hours, I received a $25 slice of Apple stock when I opened a Public account!
Public allows you to buy a slice of any stock like Apple, Tesla, and Google for as low as $5 with no trading fees and your Public stock trading account is SIPC insured up to $500,000.
Be sure to use my Public signup link on your mobile phone to get your free stock with no deposit required -
Thank you!

M1 Finance ($30 Cash Bonus)

Sign up for a free M1 Finance stock trading account ( and you'll get a $30 cash bonus after you make a deposit of $100 or more when you open a taxable (non-retirement) account within 30 days. You can choose to invest the cash bonus or withdrawal the money to your bank!
If you open a taxable (non-retirement) account, then you must make a deposit of $100 or more to get $30 cash bonus. If you open an IRA account, then you must make a deposit of $500 or more to get the $30 cash bonus and open a taxable (non-retirement) account.
The initial deposit must remain in the account for 30 days to receive the bonus.
M1 Finance allows you to buy fractional shares as low as $0.01 on stocks and ETFs like Tesla, Amazon, and Google with no trading/commission fees plus there are no monthly fees or account minimums. You can open a regular investment, IRA, and/or Roth IRA account plus your accounts are SIPC and FDIC insured!
Be sure to use my M1 Finance signup link -
Thank you!

SoFi Invest ($50 Cash Bonus up to $2575)

Open a SoFi Invest Account ( today and get a $50 cash bonus to invest in ANY stock or ETF. Plus you can buy any stock or ETF like Apple, Amazon or Google for as low as $1 with fractional share investing and no fees to buy or sell!
Just open a SoFi Invest Account with an initial deposit of $1000 or more and SoFi will instantly give you a $50 cash bonus to invest in any stock which you can sell and cash out the money back to your bank account. You do not need to invest your deposit into a stock/ETF to earn the bonus.
Your SoFi Invest account is SIPC insured up to $500,000!
After you receive your $50 bonus, you can more free cash bonuses with SoFi Invest when you:
That's a potential $2575 in cash bonuses with SoFi Invest!
Be sure to signup at to get your $50 bonus.
Thank you!

Robinhood (1 Free Stock up to $200)

Sign up for a free Robinhood stock trading account ( and you'll get a free stock valued up to $200 instantly (like Ford, Apple or Facebook) with no deposit required! It's free money just for signing up!
Plus you can buy any stock or ETF like SPY and Tesla for as low as $1 with fractional share investing.
Robinhood offers commission-free trading on stocks and ETFs via web and mobile plus your account is SIPC insured! Plus you can signup for a free Cash Management Account with 0.30% APY interest on cash (FDIC insured up to $1.25 million), free Mastercard debit card, no foreign transaction fees, no account minimums and no fee 75,000+ ATMs.
Be sure to use my Robinhood signup link and thanks! -
Thank you!

Voyager ($25 in Free Bitcoin + Up to 9% APY Interest)

Get $25 in free Bitcoin (BTC) when you download and signup for the Voyager Crypto Trading App with reward/promo code O6E5JJ and trade at least $100 or more in crypto (buy and/or sell). Only available to US residents.
To get your $25 in free Bitcoin after trading (buy/sell) $100 or more in crypto, use reward/referral code O6E5JJ during registration:
Voyager App allows you to connect a bank account and deposit cash directly. The easiest way to get the bonus is depositing at least $100 into your account to buy at least $100 of Bitcoin or Ethereum. Then sell the Bitcoin/Ethereum immediately. You'll receive your $25 in free Bitcoin bonus and can transfer the money back to your bank.
Voyager App offers commission-free cryptocurrency trading for over 20 cryptos and its currently available to residents in all U.S. states (excluding New York state).
Plus, you can earn monthly interest on your crypto holdings up to 9% APY interest annually on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDC, and USDT!
Please use my referral code by downloading the iOS app or Android app and use reward/referral code O6E5JJ during registration. It's an easy way to earn a $25 worth of free Bitcoin after you buy $100 or more in crypto and cash out the profit back to your bank!
Thank you!

BlockFi ($10 in Free Bitcoin + Earn up to 8.6% Per Year on Crypto Deposits)

Sign up for BlockFi ( and receive $10 in free Bitcoin bonus when you deposit $100 or more (like free ACH bank transfer, Bitcoin or USDC) and maintain the qualifying deposit for 30 days. The bonus is deposited on the following month after deposit. Do not withdraw from your balance or you WILL LOSE the Bitcoin bonus payment. Just wait until you receive your Bitcoin bonus then you can withdraw from your account.
This promotional $10 Bitcoin bonus is available to all customers globally!
Plus you'll earn up to 8.6% per year on the cryptos you deposit into your BlockFi account like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, PAX, GUSD and USDC. Interest is compounded monthly and paid out on the 1st of every month.
You can download the iOS app ( or Android app ( Be sure to use referral code c316afd8 during signup to get your $10 Bitcoin bonus after initial $100 or more deposit (like ACH bank transfer, Bitcoin or USDC).
Referral bonuses are paid on the 15th of every month following the holding month. i.e New clients who deposit in January and hold in February, will get paid on the 15th of the following month (March).
BlockFi supports free ACH deposits (US only), bank wire transfers and deposits via crypto. If you want to buy crypto and deposit on BlockFi, you will need to use Coinbase, Gemini, Liquid, Binance US or Binance to link your bank account to buy crypto and transfer to BlockFi.
In addition to earning interest on your crypto deposits, BlockFi allows you to exchange cryptos like BTC for Ethereum and take out a loan without selling your crypto.
BlockFi is available to all customers globally including in all 50 US states! BlockFi is a licensed and regulated company in the United States.
Remember to sign up at to get your $10 in free Bitcoin bonus.
Thank you!

Celsius Network ($130 in Free Bitcoin + Up to 22% APY Interest)

Sign up on Celsius Network ( or use promo code 1891962be1 during signup) and you'll get $20 in free Bitcoin (BTC) after first deposit of $200 or more in crypto (like Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, USDT, USDC) within 30 days! Just complete the registration and KYC process to earn your free Bitcoin after qualifying deposit!
Plus earn an additional $110 in free Bitcoin with additional in-app promo bonus codes listed below after you complete registration.
Celsius Network pays you interest (compounded, up to 18.55% annually) every week on your crypto deposits like Bitcoin, USD, and PAX/Tether Gold. Earn up to 16.54% APY on stablecoins like USDC, USDT, DAI, GUSD, TGBP, and more! Plus there are no minimum deposit and no fees to deposit or withdrawal!
Your free Bitcoin is locked for 30 days after your initial deposit and available to withdrawal after 30 days. You cannot withdraw any funds deposited for 30 days or else you will lose the Bitcoin bonus!
Here's the process to claim your free $130 in Bitcoin/Celsius bonuses:
  1. Sign up for Celsius Network at (or use promo code 1891962be1 during registration at to secure the $20 Bitcoin bonus on the first deposit)
  2. Complete the KYC process including ID verification
  3. Deposit $200 or more in crypto to receive your $20 in free Bitcoin bonus like Bitcoin, Ethereum and USD stablecoin.
  4. Bitcoin bonus is locked for 30 days after qualifying deposit and after 30 days you can keep or withdraw it. DO NOT WITHDRAW any crypto from your account during the 30 days after qualifying deposit OR YOU WILL LOSE the bonus. Wait until the bonus is unlocked.
  5. Go to Profile -> Enter a Promo Code and input promo code WEB40 to earn additional $40 in free Bitcoin after making any crypto deposit of $200 or more.
  6. Go to Profile -> Enter a Promo Code and input promo code TRUST to earn additional $50 in free Bitcoin after making any crypto deposit of $2000 or more.
  7. Go to Profile -> Enter a Promo Code and input promo code BANTER20 to earn additional $20 in free Bitcoin after making any crypto deposit of $1000 or more!
  8. Make a total deposit of $3400 to unlock all bonuses or deposit each amount separately to unlock each bonus individually
At the moment you can't link a bank account to deposit cash to your Celsius Network account so you'll need to use Coinbase, Binance US, or Gemini to buy crypto like Bitcoin or USDC and transfer to your Celsius account. Then transfer back to cash out and back to your bank.
Remember to use my Celsius Network referral link - or use promo code 1891962be1 during registration to get your first $20 in free Bitcoin and enter the additional promo codes after successful registration for more free Bitcoin.
Thank you! ($25 Cash Bonus + Up to 12% APY Interest)

Get $25 free cash bonus when you signup and open a account ( or use referral code bcsbb2r465 during registration. Plus for the first 30 days after registration, you'll pay 0% fees on crypto purchases using a credit or debit card.
After you buy and hold 5000 CRO ( tokens, the $25 cash bonus is unlocked to your wallet to spend with your free MCO Visa prepaid card which earns up to 5% cashback on all purchases with free Netflix, Spotify and Amazon Prime membership! This offer is available to all users globally! is the best place to buy and sell cryptocurrency with fees as low as 0.10%. Plus you'll earn up to 8% interest per year on the cryptos you deposit into your account like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Binance Coin, and PAX Gold. You'll earn up to 12% interest per year on stablecoin deposits like USDT, USDC, DAI, PAX, GUSD and TGBP. Interest is paid weekly!
You can buy 5000 MCO ( tokens via the app with bank transfer, credit card or crypto like Bitcoin. 5000 CRO will cost between $325 to $400 depending on the price of CRO tokens. The 5000 CRO tokens will be locked up for 6 months.
Visit or download the app for iOS or Android and use my referral code bcsbb2r465 during registration to get your instant $25 cash bonus.

ZenGo ($10 Cash Bonus)

Get free $10 USDC cash back when you download and signup for the ZenGo Crypto Wallet App ( with referral promo code ZENEBJ94 and buy at least $200 or more in crypto (like Bitcoin and Ethereum). ZenGo is a non-custodial wallet and available to all users globally including US, Europe and Asia.
You will earn a one-time cashback reward of 10 USDC from ZenGo when you purchase 200 USD or more of crypto in the ZenGo app. This can be achieved with a single purchase or multiple purchases. After you receive the bonus, you can transfer it to an external wallet or exchange it for another crypto like Bitcoin.
ZenGo App is available on iOS and Android! Buying crypto in ZenGo is easy and safe. You can buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USD Coin (USDC), and more with your credit card (Visa and Mastercard), Apple Pay (Visa and Mastercard), bank transfer (SEPA and Swift), or debit card (Maestro).
ZenGo allows you to send crypto to any address with no minimums, maximums or extra fees plus you can earn interest on your cryptocurrencies with no lockups and high APRs!
Sign up for ZenGo at or use referral code ZENEBJ94 during registration to receive your free $10 USDC cash back after you buy $200 or more in crypto.
Thank you!

Gemini ($10 in Free Bitcoin)

Get $10 in free Bitcoin when you signup for Gemini, a US-based regulated and licensed cryptocurrency exchange. This offer is available to NEW USERS ONLY residing in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea.
Follow these steps:
  1. Sign up for a Gemini account with my referral link at (new users only)
  2. Verify your identity
  3. Link your bank account and deposit $100 or more
  4. Buy or Sell 100 USD of any crypto within 30 days of opening an account and Gemini will deposit your bonus of $10 worth of Bitcoin within a day.
After you receive your free $10 of Bitcoin, you can sell your cryptos and transfer the cash back to your bank! Gemini also allows you to transfer any crypto to an external wallet for free with no withdrawal fees.
Gemini is regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) and was founded in 2014 by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss.
Thank you!

Spot Wallet ($5 in Free Bitcoin)

Get free $5 in Bitcoin instantly when you download the Spot Crypto Wallet App ( and use invite/referral code QhunPx3vp1imBEdK9 and buy at least $100 or more in Bitcoin and/or Ethereum. Spot Wallet is a non-custodial wallet and available to all users globally including US, Europe and Asia.
You will earn a one-time $5 reward in Bitcoin from Spot when you purchase 100 USD or more of crypto in the Spot app using Apple Pay, Google Pay, Visa or Mastercard. After you receive the bonus, you can keep in your Spot wallet or transfer it to an external wallet.
Spot Wallet App is available on iOS and Android! Buying crypto on Spot is easy and safe. You can buy Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) with your debit/credit card (Visa and Mastercard), Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Early investors in Spot include Ledger and Memo Bank.
Download Spot at and use invite/referral code QhunPx3vp1imBEdK9 (go to 'Account' -> 'Enter invite code') to receive your free $5 in Bitcoin after you buy $100 or more in crypto.

Coinbase ($10 in Free Bitcoin + $170 in Bonus Crypto)

Sign up for a Coinbase cryptocurrency account ( and get $10 of free Bitcoin (BTC) after you buy or sell $100 or more in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash. You will also need to verify your identity. This offer is available to all customers globally!
In addition, get $43 in free BAND Token by visiting by watching tutorials and answering simple questions about cryptocurrency with Coinbase Earn! You'll also get additional free cryptocurrencies without any deposit or trading required. You can easily make up to $180 in free cryptocurrency and cash out the money back to your bank!
You can also earn 0.15% annual interest holding USDC tokens (for US customers) and 4% annual interest staking Tezos tokens (for US, UK, and EU customers)!
Coinbase is one of the most trusted and easiest place to buy, sell, and manage your digital currency portfolio and its available in 100+ countries around the world! Coinbase allows you to deposit/withdrawal funds via free bank transfer, credit/debit card or bank wire.
Remember to use my referral link to get your $10 of free Bitcoin after trading $100 or more in crypto plus another $170 in free crypto bonuses -
If you already have a Coinbase account, you get $43 in free BAND Token by visiting the following referral links:
Thank you!

Binance US

Sign up for a free account on Binance.US to buy and sell cryptocurrency and enjoy fees as low as 0.075%! Binance US allows you to connect a bank account and deposit cash directly via ACH deposit for free to buy crypto. Or you can use a debit card to buy crypto.
Please use my referral link or use referral ID 35011786 during registration.
Binance.US is only available to US customers and in most states, but not all states. At the moment, Binance.US accounts is NOT available in the following states: Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, New York, Texas, Vermont, Washington.
Thank you!

Crypterium ($5 Cash Bonus)

Have you tried the Crypterium Crypto Wallet App for iOS and Android? Sign up for Crypterium at (or use referral code cdgy4 during signup) and get a $5 cash bonus by verifying your identity and make a transaction worth €50/$60 or more (like buy or sell crypto) via the Crypterium Wallet app. The bonus is deposited within 72 hours.
Crypterium lets you buy, send, exchange or cash out crypto, and even get the first global crypto card! The Crypterium Wallet is regarded as one of the most promising fintech solutions by KPMG and H2 Ventures. Making crypto as easy to spend as cash!
Plus for a limited time, get a Crypto Loan in USDT from Crypterium for 0% interest for up to 12 months by using Bitcoin or Ethereum as collateral. Get approved in as little as 30 seconds without credit checks!
The Crypterium App supports cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, CRPT, XRP, LINK, MKR, QASH, BAT, ZRX, REP, OMG, USDC, USDT, DAI, and EURS.
Register at to receive a link to download the app or use my referral code cdgy4 during signup at and get your $5 cash bonus!
Thank you!
submitted by cryptomiles to referralcodes [link] [comments]

can foreigner take loan in singapore video

Then what you need is a foreigner loan. The good news is that in Singapore you can get a foreigner loan and advice with your loan will be provided by almost all licensed moneylenders. Basic requirements to get a foreigner loan. Some of the basic requirements you need to achieve to avail a foreigner loan are as follows: A Foreigner loan is a type of loan intended for foreigners with employment in Singapore. The foreigner loan is similar to a personal loan and will offer you the financial assistance you need to meet your urgent needs. It is possible for the banking institutions to turn down a foreigner. As the name implies, a foreigner loan is personal cash loan offered to non-citizens or permanent residents working, studying, and/or living in Singapore. Compared to personal loans for locals, the key difference between these two types of loans is the eligibility criteria. A foreigner loan is also a personal loan but especially dedicated to foreigners. The eligibility and requirements are different from Singapore nationals. On the other hand, a payday loan allows you to borrow up to only one month’s worth of your salary that must be paid back in less than a month. 1. yes you can take bank loan. I assisted many foreigners in taking bank loan to purchase Singapore property. The profile is the same as you which is running their own business in their local country 2. Yes you can pay all by cash 3. Effective from 6th july 2018, the stamp duty tax will be 23-24% Haris Lee +65-81790465 Propnex For a secured loan in Singapore, a foreigner can obtain a loan of any amount. For an unsecured loan in Singapore, if the foreigner’s annual income is less than $10,000, the maximum loan amount that Bugis Credit can offer is $500. If the foreigner’s annual income is above $10,000 but less than $20,000, the maximum loan amount that Bugis Credit can offer is $3,000. Lastly, if your annual income is above $20,000, the maximum loan amount that Bugis Credit can offer is 6 times of your monthly Where Can I Get Personal Loan as a Foreigner? Foreigners in Singapore can apply for a personal loan in the bank or with a moneylender. There are many differences in which the two evaluate and provide the loan. Right from interest rates to a processing fee, everything needs to be taken into consideration while applying for the best personal loan. All of these expenses can add up and take a toll on your salary. That’s why some consider getting a foreigner loan in Singapore. A foreigner loan is a cash loan that can be applied online. A good licensed money lender will be able to process the loan right away. You can also call them, and they will be able to work out the details over the phone. If you are in need of financial assistance, it is advisable to get it from a reliable source. For your protection and peace of mind, the best foreigner loans you can get in Singapore are from banks. Alternatively, if you fail to qualify for a bank loan, you can seek assistance from legal loan institutions and licensed moneylenders in Singapore. Sometimes, they also call this foreigner loan as a work permit loan in Singapore or personal loan for work permit holders. You can find the right loan package for you if you are a foreigner in Singapore, based on your needs and budget. Loan application may have different requirements than that of the regular personal loan.

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