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How to see the future... and why you don't want to.

It's been a long while since I've heard a story that I thought was worth sharing, and this is definitely one of them.
In greek mythology, Cassandra was given the power to foretell the future, but so cursed that no one would believe her prophecies. When Robert shared the following story with me, I couldn't help but be reminded of how Fate often mocks us, as it did Cassandra.
Robert was a colleague of my friend Steve, and new to our little circle. When that circle includes a few psychology graduates, deep and meaningful conversations tend to be par for the course.
For example, does free will exist, or is every decision we've ever made - and ever will make - already determined before we were even born? Does the future already exist? Can it predicted, or changed? You know, the usual circle-jerk philosophy questions great thinkers have debated over for millenia.
For us, these discussions were just a way to pass the time. We never really expected to have a definitive answer. But when Rob tells us he knows the truth, and had a mind-bending story that could prove it - we listened closely. He would even share with us in detail the experiments he had run to test the hypotheses... but also warned us we may not like the answers.
With such a build up, how could we not pay attention?
Within psychology circles, it's somewhat cliché to say that the concept of "now" is really an illusion.
For example, this very instant that you're reading this text, it has taken light some time to travel to your eyes, for your eyes to convert those photons to electrical and chemical stimuli, for those signals to travel to the neurons and synapses in your brain to process, and then for your body chemistry to react.
What we think of as "now" in reality has already passed a few fractions of a second ago. We are forever living in the past, as our brains are constantly playing catch up. Our reality is merely an illusion, a mental hologram created by the mind to interpret all the data flooding in from our senses.
Bob and his research partner Carol were looking to test that idea as far as they could: if time and perceived reality is a purely mental construct, could the mind be trained to respond to it differently?
Could your brain, for example, be conditioned to think faster, or slower? Could your perception of time be significantly slowed, so your reaction times correspondingly increased? It would be like accessing deeper levels of your mind, "Inception" style, at will. If it were possible, it would have revolutionary implications for fields as diverse as education, economic productivity, health, science and technology.
Rob and Carol spent months figuring out how best to create practical, easily reproducible experiments that could test their hypotheses. After much debate and tinkering, they developed an ingenious device they dubbed the "Inceptionator" to do just that.
It was a comparatively simple system that consisted of three basic parts - a virtual reality headset (like a crude version of the Oculus Rift) that fully covered a volunteer's eyes, an attached camera that projected images to the headset, and an image processor that could modify the footage from the camera.
Four Inceptionators were created for their tests. Carol and Rob would personally use one each, with the other two given to two volunteers (Alice and Dave) who weren't aware of what was being tested, and so would act as the control group.
For the first few days, they acclimatised to wearing the headsets, and getting used to going about their daily routine with the device setto a normal 30 frames per second. After this calibration period, the experiments could properly begin.
The first of their experiments involved reducing the frame rate from the camera stream by half (dropping to 15 frames per second, so each frame lasted twice as long). Though time was passing at the same rate, the world through the lens seemed to slow down for all of them. They themselves moved around the real world like they were walking in molasses. They found that their own thoughts also slowed down, and felt more relaxed than normal.
After a few days, they switched over to the second set of tests. They doubled the frame rate (to 60 frames per second). Everything seemed like hyper-reality - a lot more fluid than usual - but otherwise had no appreciable impact on their perceptions or abilities.
For the third experiment, they flipped their projected image to be upside down. This would test if a perspective change would also alter their thinking processes. At first it was completely disorienting, and they constantly found themselves bumping into everything. For all intents and purposes, the seemed liked drunks wearing strange headsets, much to the amusement and laughter of all observers.
But after a couple of days, their minds had adjusted and adapted, and they could function perfectly normally. By the end of the experiment, they barely even noticed that the image was upside-down anymore. It actually replicated how the eyes really saw the world - and their brain's software had no problems flipping it around. But once adapted, there seemed to be no different in perceptions or thinking ability.
While these were all fascinating, it was the next set of experiments that were the real tests, and the ones that changed everything. This time, they would introduce a slight delay to the video feed, so it would no longer be in sync with the real world.
Initially this delay was set to a half-second. It was a very small lag - almost imperceptible - but a big enough impact for them to seem if they had been smoking pot all day. Their reactions were just too slow for the most basic of tests, like catching a ball throw at them, or to play any sports.
Like the previous test, however, Alice and Dave managed to adjust after a few days, and could function as normal. Most interestingly, these two could react to events before the visuals were even displayed on their headsets.
For example, they were now able to catch a ball thrown at them before they could actually see it leaving the throw's hand. Their minds were perceiving the subtle movements in the thrower's body, the auditory cues, and compensating to to anticipate events as they were happening.
They were in effect experiencing the actual now, and their brains were working fractions of a second ahead of what they used to be.
Carol and Rob themselves didn't show as much progress in adapting, and so dropped their out of their roles as participants. They focused instead on being observers and documenting their experiments in great detail.
They tried further doubling the lag time on the Inceptionator from half to one second. For Dave, this proved too much of an increase. After several days, he still acted like a stoner wearing tech gear on his head. Showing no progress, he was dropped from the experiment shortly thereafter.
But Alice was a different story. After just 24 hours, she had fully adapted. Her brain had fully compensated for the lag. Somehow, she was now able to anticipate events before even the subconscious cues would be signalled through the headset.
But the most unexpected and incredible result was what happened when she wasn't wearing the Inceptionator. Rather than being in sync with now, her mind appeared to be working ahead of time. Her senses seemed heightened to super-sensitive levels.
She would know if someone was at the door before the sound of knocking could be heard. She could tell you that your phone was about to ring. During one lunch time walk through a park, she suddenly ducked, barely dodging a football that otherwise would have hit her head and knocked her over.
She was developing what Rob was affectionately calling "spidey-senses". Swearing secrecy on the project, they continued with their testing, but now solely focused on Alice.
They increased the lag time again, this time to 2 seconds. It took Alice just 14 hours to adapt. Her skills became astonishing and seemingly impossible.
Alice could now call the cards in a randomly shuffled face-down deck, one-by-one before they were flipped over, or call the outcome of a coin toss with 100% accuracy - but only if the results were revealed within two seconds of making them (if the delay was more than two seconds, they would invariably be wrong most of the time). She started to developed the habit of finishing other people's sentences.
Implausible as it sounded, the Inceptionator was somehow training her mind to actually run ahead of reality. Carol and Rob wanted to see how far they could push this ability. They increased the lag time to 3 seconds. And then 5 seconds. Then 10 seconds. Then a full minute.
Each time, after shorter and shorter periods of adjustment, Alice would adapt. Her skills were now at full-blown freaky proportions. She knew what you were going to say before you said it, as if she were reading your mind. She could predict the entire deck of cards before they were spread open.
One weekend, they even had the bright idea of testing her skills at Black Jack in a casino. They won over $17,000 before the pit boss accused her of card counting and had them banned.
It was clear that her mind was somehow seeing into the near future, and they had the tool to train this ability. It was an incredibly exciting time for all of them. Though they had some debates about the ethics of continuing this experiment, the promises of this incredible scientific discovery were too tempting to resist.
They were on the cusp of being able to answer the great philosophical questions about the nature of space-time and causality. To prove if the future was written in stone, or if the flow of the great river of time could be rerouted.
But they needed more specific experiments designed to test specific variables. There seemed to be rules and limits to what Alice could predict - her accuracy was strong only within her lag time limit (or "temporal horizon", as coined by Carol). Outside of that, her guesses were not better than random chance.
This itself was creating new paradoxes that they needed more time and tests to explore and unravel. For example, why did this temporal horizon exist? Was it because the future knew what choices she would make made, and she was simply able to predict them because she had already made them? Or did she, by making a prediction, lock the future into a certain outcome up to the temporal horizon?
They wanted to be very thorough and very sure before they made their research public.
Another unexpected side effect of the experiments was that after months of conditioning with the Inceptionator, Alice's brain no longer required it to continue honing her abilities. Over time, she pushed her temporal horizon to 5 minutes. Then 10 minutes. Then an hour. Then six hours. Then twelve hours.
But her new found powers were also starting to take its toll. Her body seemed increasingly out of sync with her mind. She was became restless and fidgety, as if her body was trying to keep up with her thoughts. Her body started subconciously reacting to events well before they happened.
She began suffering from frequent bouts of narcolepsy; suddenly falling asleep mid-conversation, then jerking awake, screaming with nightmares. She was also becoming increasingly erratic and paranoid. She spoke of seeing "phantoms" that were "future echoes" floating in and out. More disturbingly, she occasionally would shrieking vaguely about "entities" all around that "weren't human" and "shouldn't be here".
It was around this time that Carol and Rob decided the experiments had gone far enough, and to publish and go public with their findings. This was Nobel prize winning research if it could be peer reviewed and independently replicated in other labs around the world. It would have bigger implications than Watson and Crick's discovery of DNA, or Max Planck's Quantum Theory of sub-atomic particles.
It was also increasingly clear that Alice needed urgent medical attention. Carol and Rob invited Alice to their office that afternoon, and informed her of their decision. Alice reacted vehemently, refusing to cooperate and saying that the experiments were already too late to stop.
She refused to see a doctor, screeching it would lead down a path where she would simply be a medical curiosity to be strapped to a chair and experimented on for the rest of her life. She also would not allow the research to be published, as it would lead her down the same path.
The argument escalated when Carol blunted stated she was going to publish anyway, and it wasn't Alice's decision to block. At stake was a Nobel prize, fame, fortune and immortality in the history books. Carol wasn't going to throw that opportunity away.
The shouting match only ended when Carol stormed out of the room, with Alice screaming "YOU WILL NEVER PUBLISH IT. NEVER! YOU HEAR ME?! NEVER!!". She slammed Carol's chair violently against the wall with a large cracking sound, as if to reinforce her point, before leaving herself.
Later that evening, Carol and Rob met for dinner to discuss their options. By the time they departed, they both agreed that the best option was to have Alice sedated, then put under medical observation. She was increasingly paranoid, and a danger to herself and others. As the instigators of the experiments, they had a duty of care they should have exercised long ago while they were swept up in the excitement of their discoveries.
It had been a tense day, and by the time Rob got back to his home he was exhausted. It didn't take him long to fall asleep. But he was awoken suddenly during the night, to see Alice standing over him in the dark, watching him sleep.
Pressing her finger tightly to his lips, she whispered in a raspy voice "Shhhhhh!" She pointed all around with her other hand. "We are not alone."
Rob tried to yell, but found Alice's hands wrapped tightly around his mouth before he could emit a sound. He looked around in the darkness, but could no see anyone else.
Alice's head jerked from side to side as she surveyed around the room. "They can hear. They see you. They know what you are doing," she softly hissed.
They both stayed there in silence for what seemed liked half an hour. Alice then finally released her grip, and headed out towards the bedroom door. She moved with a jerky, shambled gait, with an unevenly slow, then rapid pace as she left the room. Rob took a deep breath to gather his thoughts before he reacted.
It was then that he noticed that her shadow was still silhouetted against the wall, and only drifted out slowly to follow her long after she had gone.
Rob quickly got out of bed to re-lock the front door, wondering how she even managed to get in. He was freaked out by the whole incident, and wasn't sure if he dreamt the whole incident. His heart was pounding, and he was just about to dial the police when he decided it would be better to talk to Carol in the morning first.
He double checked the locks, the went back to his bed and to a shallow, fitful sleep. When he awoke the next morning, he felt groggy and terrible. He added panicked to that list when he realised he missed his regular morning alarm by a couple of hours. It had somehow been switched off.
When he did finally arrive at his office three hours later than usual, it was to a scene of chaos as firefighters were putting out a raging blaze that had consumed half the building.
A forensic investigation would later declare it to be an accident, caused by a cracked power socket next to Carol's desk chair, sparking a fire when she turned on her computer. In her panic, she had accidentally toppled over the piles of books and research papers stacked around her, trapping her as the fire spread rapidly, consuming her, their research and their equipment.
Rob would later find his personal backups files and the ones at Carol's homes were missing, and all their online backups of the research deleted. It was becoming obvious that Alice knew what they had planned for her - how could she not? She was 10 steps ahead of their every move.
After dealing with authorities, Rob went to Alice's home a few days later to confront her. He found her front door was unlocked. He barged in and almost retched at the sight before him. Alice was dishevelled, and her previously youthful features seeming to have aged decades overnight. Her hair was a tangled mess, matted and clotted with blood.
He was horrified to see she had deep bloody gouge marks all down her face, neck and arms. Tiny strips of dried flesh hung from her long, jagged and dirty finger nails, along with the remains of two eyeballs still hanging by their optic nerves.
She stared at Robert through the gaping holes where her eyes used to be, and hissed "I've been expecting you."
She stalked around the room more gracefully than she had in weeks, like a tiger sizing up its prey. When she spoke, it was with greater clarity and power than ever before.
"Oh, why so shocked? Why the pity, the horror and revulsion you feel when you gaze upon me?. Are you not proud of your work?
Does it offend you? Does it disgust you, this wretched, walking corpse you see before you? Well know this - it's but a pale imitation of what I saw when I look upon everyone!
I see all your deaths... unwilling, screaming, pitiful, painful. You all are already dead, you just don't see it yet. But I do. I see it all. That's all I see!"
As Alice's maniacal laughter filled the room, Robert had to run from the room to puke outside. After wiping his mouth he pulled out his phone to call for the police and an ambulance.
By the time they arrived a few minutes later, Alice had already gone, leaving only a fluttering curtain blowing over an open window. The police filed her away as a missing person. She still has not been found, nor is it expected that she ever will be.
Over the years, Rob has moved around the country, and even tried to replicate the experiment once. The siren's call of rebuilding his research was too big a lure to resist.
But he never got any further than the first week.
All his volunteers get freaked out, claiming to see a dishevelled, mutilated face just outside of their vision and phantom fingers brushing against their arms and face when they have the headsets on. At night, a few would see that face staring at them through in the background of a mirror.
Rob finished his story by asking if any of us were willing to be his new volunteers, and to share in the glory of his discovery. We looked at each other, not quite knowing what to think. None of us took him up on the offer.
He chuckled and said that he wouldn't either. "The universe tends towards equilibrium, and what the gods give with one hand, they take away with the other," he mused, "Second Law of Thermodynamics. Or simply stated, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."
He had resigned to himself that research would never be completed. "After all, how could I possibly outsmart an opponent who already knows how the game will end?"
Links back to the earlier stories (in order): 1. A Curious Mind is a Terrible Curse 2. Gurgles & Bugman 3. Reality is Creepier than Fiction 4. Pranks 5. Notes 6. Patient Sigma 7. Memories 8. Cracks and Bones 9. Bigger Fish 10. The Eighth Orphan 11. No Sleep for the Innocent 12. Guardian 13. The Worst Thing About Growing Old 14. Hangman Games 15. Family 17. You're never alone, especially in the dark 18. The least likely monster that haunted my childhood
submitted by WontThinkStraight to nosleep [link] [comments]

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